Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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Sigh. I miss this ship dearly. :(

Does anyone know if there's any F/A Videos out there? I've been searching and if I had the skills, I would make one but, I don't. :lol:
Yes I miss this ship too. Very very much. I think my icon says it.

I dunno any videos out there. Sad, eh? To heal my breaking Flack/Aiden heart, I've been reading smutty fan fics. Makes me think that even though Aiden's fired, Flack secretly meets up with her in his apartment or hers.

Oh, and please update your Flack/Aiden fan fic, tuesday! I'm desperately in need for some Flack/Aiden. There doesn't seem to be much of that these days.
I'm sure Aiden and Flack still meet up in the apartments. I mean, now that she's not working with him anymore, their relationship actually can go stronger.

Oh God. :lol: I'm already behind on my D/F one as we speak and I've been re-writing Revenge for ever. I can't seem to get a good chapter done so we'll see. Inspiration.
:lol: Oh God I hope not!

This is (not was) my favorite ship of all time. So much hope for them and then it was taken away.

Cheers to fanfiction!
See. TDDWP did it for me. And Tri-Borough as well but the whole "hold the hand" sealed it for me.

Writers wanted something but Vanessa had to go up and leave.
Heh. Yeah. They said that she would have gotten a boyfriend there. I keep wishinh it's Flack.

But then again, if they go to a scene together, I doubt they'll get much crime processing thingy done.
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