Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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I'm currently updating "Revenge". :lol: I've recieved so many reviews demanding that I update it so today, during Science Lecture, I began to write.
Hi everybody... *nervously twiddles thumbs*

I'm not an F/A shipper *ducks* but I am a huge fan of the character Aiden Burn (as I'm sure everybody here is). So in order to avenge her untimely unemployment, please take the time to sign the following online petitions:


Also posted here:
The Petition Site

And here:
Go Petition

Thank you so much for your time. Hopefully we'll be able to see her back on board the CSI crew soon.
I'm sorry, but I refuse to sign. ;) Ferlito left. She's gone. Let's just keep it that way instead of pulling the writers and her problems back in.

On a F/A note, Revenge update is almost complete. Bless School for giving me boring lectures so I can write.
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