Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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I don't like the drunken vagrant former newsboy look he's sporting, but bless him for wearing what he damn well pleases.

It's like he went, "Got invited to a party. Can't go naked. ~rummages in laundry~ These'll do. And hey, Granda's cap. Stylin'. Is my sha-dong dong covered? Check. Let's roll."

And he left some chest hair for the ladiesss.
Back to Basics…

And the first thing we heard was…

Detective Flack...

Called you the second I got word. Caucasian female, late 20s, no I.D. Some guy jogging his dog found her and called 911.Ran his name...He's harmless. I think he's all about the dog, you know..


Hey!You got a peddler's license?


Yeah? What's your name?

(Jason Parnell. Why?)

You want glasses and whatnot? There's one on every corner. Cart's closed.

(I never saw that house in my life.I swear on my grandmother.)

Let me arrest him for swearing on his grandmother.




A half-dead woman was found in your rental home. How is it you can't tell me who you rented it to?

(I told you, the management company handles all that.)

I heard that part already... too much in one interrogation, as it turns out.What this mother's face isn't buying is...how HIDTA, the entire NYPD... me... can't seem to find a single transaction that you rented the house to a real person.

(Hey, mind if I swab him, Flack?)

Be my guest. You won't have any problem getting his mouth open. He don't shut up.

(I'd like to take a buccal swab for a DNA sample. It'll only take a second. Open up... Sir, open up your mouth, please. Sir!)

Open up, Mr. Silo! You like things with soft tips in your mouth am I right?

(Hey, that's harassment.)

(Hoops on Saturday, Flack. Don't forget.)

Where were we?


And it was love at first sight! :cool:
La_Guera said:
I don't like the drunken vagrant former newsboy look he's sporting, but bless him for wearing what he damn well pleases.

It's like he went, "Got invited to a party. Can't go naked. ~rummages in laundry~ These'll do. And hey, Granda's cap. Stylin'. Is my sha-dong dong covered? Check. Let's roll."

And he left some chest hair for the ladiesss.

Ditto! I can't stand what he was wearing in those pictures! Definitely a fashion faux pas! :lol: :lol: :lol: But hey, whatever floats his boat!

Lorelai said:
And it was love at first sight! :cool:

Hmmmm...love at first sight! :lol: Ah, Flack's witty yet sarcastic wisecracks! Loved Flack's intense look too! But I've got to say, I hate the damn sideburns! :lol: :lol:
Most of us are happy those sideburns are long time shaved ;)

From that time, I miss his long hair, but I also love the way his short hair makes him more mature. I also miss the leather jacket. Maybe he could use ot again this season when he hangs out with Danny or outside work.

Lorelai, I love your new animation :)
*gush* Oh Season One Flack - Love the leather jackets, sideburns... Dont get me wrong, Season 2-present Flack is just as yummy, but I love the long hair and sideburns - makes me happy.

Great caps!
:D Made some caps. I just love the pretty faces he's making!


Ok, this caps are kinda huge, so just thumbs for the rest! ;) Clicky for the big pic!

Lorelai, I really love those pics. His eyes look really great in them, and I'm having a Photoshop craving...

Here are a lot of expressions, but you missed the one he had while Lindsay eat the spider. That one was really priceless :lol:
Here are a lot of expressions, but you missed the one he had while Lindsay eat the spider. That one was really priceless

Oh yeah! LOL. Those are one of those scenes, where EVERYBODY's in one room. Love his expression when he heard the crrruuunnnnccch!
Great pictures Lorelai , as always… :)
Flack really has a huge variety of facial expression, that’s definitely one reason why the character is so much fun to watch…

Yay, I can post pictures finally, so here are three from Fare Game, enjoy… :D



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