Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Ceindreadh said:
I think the cost for those outside the US will be very high too

Remember that ties are (a) light and (b) not fragile - so won't require heavy packing. I checked the anPost website and it wouldn't be an unreasonable price. Of course the price of the tie itself is another matter!

If somebody is willing to organize it then I'm game!

Top has responded to a PM I sent - if we can find someone to co-ordinate this project it will be posted on the boards - any volunteers? :lol: I think it would be best if it were co-ordinated by someone in the US for obvious reasons. If we could get it done for when they start shooting the next season we may then be able to spend all of season 4 looking for our ties!

As I said in response, it would be great if this could be done as we have recently done Eddie's project for him and even he admitted in his chat even he wonders at what they have Flack wear. I'm sure he would love this - any takers? I would definitely send in a fugly tie! :D
I'm the official AJ fan(project)girl, so I can't betray my loyalty to coordinate this one--but I'm interested to see what y'all come up with. :p

I wish I had the monies to buy this awesome tie I saw on Google once (yes, I Googled weird ties, stfu)--it was blue and had rabbits jumping out of hats. *lol* I even included it in a fanfic once, it was just too awesome to pass up. :lol:
ka990 said:
Ceindreadh said:
I think the cost for those outside the US will be very high too

Remember that ties are (a) light and (b) not fragile - so won't require heavy packing. I checked the anPost website and it wouldn't be an unreasonable price. Of course the price of the tie itself is another matter!

If somebody is willing to organize it then I'm game!

Top has responded to a PM I sent - if we can find someone to co-ordinate this project it will be posted on the boards - any volunteers? :lol: I think it would be best if it were co-ordinated by someone in the US for obvious reasons. If we could get it done for when they start shooting the next season we may then be able to spend all of season 4 looking for our ties!

As I said in response, it would be great if this could be done as we have recently done Eddie's project for him and even he admitted in his chat even he wonders at what they have Flack wear. I'm sure he would love this - any takers? I would definitely send in a fugly tie! :D

That sounds like a great idea. What would be funny is if the wardrobe department actually makes him use the ties. :p

Good luck with finding someone to coordinate! I'm too inexperienced to even try. :)
Elsie said:
His ties may be 'fugly' to some but I'm pretty sure they aren't cheap! I actually like the ties, but then I do have a thing for men in suits... :D

OH OH!! I AGREE!!!! since flack, or even before him, i liked man in suits, or man without suits, but wearing ties... one of my friends says i have a ties-fetish, but that's toooo extreme!! no, what i have.. is just an obsession with ties.. one of my classmates (okay, i got to admit, he would look great with one) is always teasing me with it.. whenever i talk to him, he says: tie!! and then i say: WHERE? he: joking.. but anyways, i would be a fun projec to do. unfortunately, since i live in holland, i won't be able to participate.. but still, it's a greeeeeeat project!! :)
I can coordinate it cause I'm in Europe, but I'd love to participate. I'm even looking some ties to see wich I could send. I even saw one that shine in the dark!
Hold your horses! :D It looks like I can co-ordinate this after all! I will pm Top (again!) and it looks like this one will run!! :D
ka990 said:
Top has responded to a PM I sent - if we can find someone to co-ordinate this project it will be posted on the boards - any volunteers?
What exactly is the project plan? Is it just sending ties, usually people may want to write something too? Have you got a plan of action or is this still in the early stages. I'm just thinking that it may be easier to find a volunteer to co-ordinate it if they know what will be expected of them? :confused:

Personally I would suggest expanding the project to be something like a celebration of Flack's (sometimes) terrible fashion sense, so people can send ties if they want, design a tie maybe?, send a tie shaped message of fan love... Just a box full of ties is quite a scary thought...also this would give people the opportunity to be creative with it.

So far a few respondents have said they want to participate but can't co-ordinate it because they aren't in the US. So maybe you would look at having two people running it, or have someone Europe based for other Europeans to send stuff to, it doesn't have to be someone in the US who co-ordinates it, apart from it being cheaper for the final project to be posted. ;)

:lol: Fay why were you googling weird ties? As I've said before, I love men in suits, and Flack looks good in them, even if his ties are fugly, it could be worse, they could be comedy ones...

eta: in the ridiculously long time it took me to write this, I see that you have already found a solution. :)
Elsie said:
ka990 said:
Top has responded to a PM I sent - if we can find someone to co-ordinate this project it will be posted on the boards - any volunteers?
What exactly is the project plan? Is it just sending ties, usually people may want to write something too? Have you got a plan of action or is this still in the early stages. I'm just thinking that it may be easier to find a volunteer to co-ordinate it if they know what will be expected of them? :confused:

Personally I would suggest expanding the project to be something like a celebration of Flack's (sometimes) terrible fashion sense, so people can send ties if they want, design a tie maybe?, send a tie shaped message of fan love... Just a box full of ties is quite a scary thought...also this would give people the opportunity to be creative with it.

So far a few respondents have said they want to participate but can't co-ordinate it because they aren't in the US. So maybe you would look at having two people running it, or have someone Europe based for other Europeans to send stuff to, it doesn't have to be someone in the US who co-ordinates it, apart from it being cheaper for the final project to be posted. ;)

:lol: Fay why were you googling weird ties? As I've said before, I love men in suits, and Flack looks good in them, even if his ties are fugly, it could be worse, they could be comedy ones...

This is in the early stages yet - watch this space! I'm sure something will be posted once firmer plans have been made.
:eek: Lisa, I'm thinking that's not going to be appropriate (or PG13).

Whilst I applaud your enthusiasm, think Eddie/Flack fan love, not fan fear.... and I'm pretty sure that would freak most people out. ;) (I do realise that you would never actually send that of course).
Yes, omg! I would never send that. lol

I just couldn't stop laughing when I saw that so I had to share! =)
Oh my goodness! :eek: That? Is hilarious. :lol:

Elsie said:
Fay why were you googling weird ties?
Ask me no questions... :p

Here's the tie I was talking about. It's not as, er, unique as the pig one, but I think it's pretty awesome--and I could totally see Flack wearing one like this. :p
Faylinn said:
Oh my goodness! :eek: That? Is hilarious. :lol:

Elsie said:
Fay why were you googling weird ties?
Ask me no questions... :p

Here's the tie I was talking about. It's not as, er, unique as the pig one, but I think it's pretty awesome--and I could totally see Flack wearing one like this. :p

An Hermes tie? That's fancy, Fay. I'm sure Eddie would love it. :p
Faylinn said:
Here's the tie I was talking about. It's not as, er, unique as the pig one, but I think it's pretty awesome--and I could totally see Flack wearing one like this.

Hmmm, yes, Fay. It has the right combination of taste and extreme dorkiness to be a Flack-tie. :thumbs up:
I was talking to Sammy11 about two or three weeks ago that the next Eddie project should be fugly ties so I am so on board with this fan project!!
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