Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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:lol: That is such a Flack thing to do! 'Actualy, yes, i am gonna lock you, just because I can, bwah ha ha ha!' :lol: And, man, his eyes are prettiful! :D See, his eys turn your brain to mush! :lol:

Flack had some great lines last night. I loved the scene he had with Stella outside. Seeing those 2 walkin down the street in NY sure would be cool lol

"I locked em up for fun"
"Parole violation..and I don't like you"
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Yeah screw them! :lol: I did laugh last night when he said he locked up the kids that found the body. Just because he could. ;)

ROFLMAO!! :D Can't wait to see that!! That is soo like Flack! :lol:
hi everyone im a newbie, just wanted to drop by and say how great this is!! flack brightens up my day, so thankyou all for the great pics!!
Having been rather recently convinced to fall in love with Flack (dark hair + blue eyes = very disarming), I'm on the hunt for episodes in which he has a feature role. Fairly new to this show, I'm slowly working backwards through my new set of DVDs - Charge of this Post and All Access are currently at the top of my list - but what else do you recommend?
Painted_Shadow said:
Having been rather recently convinced to fall in love with Flack (dark hair + blue eyes = very disarming), I'm on the hunt for episodes in which he has a feature role. Fairly new to this show, I'm slowly working backwards through my new set of DVDs - Charge of this Post and All Access are currently at the top of my list - but what else do you recommend?

"The Fall" from season 1 has a lot of Flack :)
Painted_Shadow said:
Having been rather recently convinced to fall in love with Flack (dark hair + blue eyes = very disarming), I'm on the hunt for episodes in which he has a feature role. Fairly new to this show, I'm slowly working backwards through my new set of DVDs - Charge of this Post and All Access are currently at the top of my list - but what else do you recommend?

Don't get your hopes up! :lol: This is the down side being a Flack fan - there just isn't enough of him! :(
Thats just stupid!!! He's very gorgouse!!! I just cant help it!!!! oh oops... I got a little carried away.... lol :D :lol:
If you really want alot of Flack you need to watch season 1 because he is almost in every episode. Even though I like the small changes he has gone though in season 2 & 3. For just pure time on screen season 1 is where its at. ;)
Thank you all for your suggestions...been having fun going through the first season. (yay for The Fall) Apparently I REALLY didn't pay attention back then, as these feel like all new episodes. That is one of the upsides to being behind the ball on falling in love with a show. :)

Still...is it time for tonight's ep yet?? *bounces up and down*
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
If you really want alot of Flack you need to watch season 1 because he is almost in every episode. Even though I like the small changes he has gone though in season 2 & 3. For just pure time on screen season 1 is where its at. ;)

I don't think he's had all that much in S2 & S3; most of his character development was in S1. I'm beginning to lose interest in the show because Flack's role is getting to be monotonous--he doesn't get much to do outside of the snarky one-liners and occasional action of chasing/tacklingwrestling a perp. Or maybe I'm just bored with all the rain we've been getting on top of the long holiday hiatus.
Your right I guess I shouldn't call them changes per say. But I have some of what they have given his character. Granted its never enough. ;)
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