~Favorite CSI:Miami Moments!~

I loved H in 'Lost Son', showing him all emotional makes me cry. But other than that, the one scene which is my sig. *points down* I forget which episode, but i know its in Season 1.
I guess my firsy one would have to be FF(what can I say)? At the end where Horatio calls Adam(as promised) to tell him he's caught his mothers killer.

Then on MIA/NY Non-Stop where H tells the young lady the next time she sees him he'll have caught her parents killer.
I just love the way H interacts with children.

But, I guess I really have to say ny all time gave would be The Lost Son where H is there by Speed as he lays dying on the floor of the jewelry store. Too see the raw emotion coming out of him. You couldn't help but feel his pain along with him.
Well that's the one I forgot. It was almost tearjerking not only to watch Speed die (as a loyal Speed fan) but to watch Horatio almost be torn down. It was so painful. With you all the way, that was one of the best moments. But didn't anyone else like the end of "Golden Parachute," or "Body Count?" Those were GREAT!
the moment where madison kissed horatio and the little moment after.. it is just so sweet!

eat: o! I totally forgot: burn baby burn!
One of mine favourites moments is the scene in CSIMiamiLovers signature. It's just to funny. The look on Ryans face. Priceless!

Ryan: Alexx, he doesn't have a head. Where'd his head go?
Alexx: I'm processing it.
Ryan (shocked): You're boiling it?!
I actually I prefer the scene before that when they send Ryan to the autopsy:
Delko: "You go"
Ryan: "To the autopsy?"
Delko: "Yeah to the autopsy, you scared"
Ryan: "No... thanks guys"

Calleigh:"It's a head trauma right?"
Delko: "uh huh"

It's the genuine giggle Cal gives at the end of this scene that makes it wonderful, you rarely see Cal really laugh now :D
Yeah that was so great! When Madison kissed Horatio! So cute.

And like katpin said earlier, i love how H interacts with children.
The final scene of Hurricane Anthony. It gets even better if you listen to it with the dvd commentary, and of course, there is the hauntingly beautiful 'Delicate' by Damien Rice being played in the background. Such an uplifting, poignant scene. :)
Yeah, I like Ryan's first autopsy as well. I also like "That's Hot," and Nailed, and Curse of the Coffin, when Ryan sees that guy get up off the gurney. :lol: Just the look on his face before he runs out of there. :eek: :lol:
MiamiDade said:
The final scene of Hurricane Anthony. It gets even better if you listen to it with the dvd commentary, and of course, there is the hauntingly beautiful 'Delicate' by Damien Rice being played in the background. Such an uplifting, poignant scene. :)
This has to be mine too! No surprises there though. ;)
Leela said: Frank checking out Calleigh's ass in 'Going Under'!
That was also a truly great moment! :lol:
OH! You do not even understand how much I love this thread, seeing as I have a 75-page Microsoft Word document devoted to nothing but novelized transcriptions of my favorite moments in this series. (*ignores weird looks* It's easier than constantly cueing up tapes/DVDs)

I'm going to use all my willpower to limit myself to five or six moments for my first post. Given that you've already mentioned Speed's death (which I have watched approximately 16,750 times just for his reaction) and the cheek kiss from Madison...

1. I want to say "everything in 'Big Brother,'" but especially the look on Horatio's face when he gets confirmation on the DNA test, glowers, and crumples the whole thing in his hands. "RAYMOND." Ah, and thus does the arc of deception and self-torture begin.

2. Under Suspicion - punching Walter Resden. A nice outlet for revenge and collected rage, instead of just stuffing it all down like he usually does. Also like the grimly sarcastic response afterwards: "You okay, Walter? That looked like it hurt." *snicker*

3. The beginning of MIA/NYC, when he shrugs off his overcoat and gives it to the shivering teenager to wear. That caring aspect of his character is a perfect example of why I got hooked on this series.

4. Horatio confronting Stetler about Yelina's black eye. He's so deadly intense about it, it's my favorite round of Horatio v. Stetler EVER. Would you want to cross him after getting threats like that?

4. In the interest of character equality, umm...when Alexx sat with Ryan while they pulled the nail out of his eye. "You know, you don't have to be here. I'm a big boy." "I know, honey. But you shouldn't have to do this alone." I love how she takes everyone under her wing.

5. Hurricane Anthony: Yelina holding up the little kitten she found in the house. CUTEST. IMAGE. EVER.

6. And because you know I can't let a "top moments" post go by without mentioning my favorite deceased character...the end of Dead Air, Marisol's chemo treatment & the handholding & that beautiful song. It's just such a sweet moment that I generally end up in a melted puddle of goo every time I see it. [This one's okay, right? If I misinterpreted the shipping rule I can snip it out...]

There, see, I can stop. I can! I'm stopping. (For a while.) Thanks everyone for sharing your favorites, now I just have to see that I don't waste my whole night watching clips...
P.S. Pusher, have I ever told you how much I love your signature banner? It's like a lava lamp. I can't stop watching it. What ep is the bit on the left from? *makes mental note to add it to Word document*
Painted_Shadow thanks for ur comment re my banner :D it`s make by tianshi and the little vid is from CSI Miami 2x02 Dead Zone.

maybe i have to add my fav moments list with the scene from this epi ;)

H:What would you do if you found a treasure?

ohhh boy, so sweet and natural moment between H/Y on the beach :D one simple question, with so big meaning :devil:

after i have read all this posts, here a little more continuation (quote some guys, coz i total agree with the reason why this is my fav part form all CSI Miami seasons):

- 'Hurricane Anthony': Yelina holding up the little kitten she found in the house. CUTEST. IMAGE. EVER. Also the final scene of this epi, everybody know why i love it ;)

- 'Crime Wave': Horatio confronting Stetler about Yelina's black eye. He's so deadly intense about it, it's my favorite round of Horatio v. Stetler EVER.

- everything in 'Big Brother,' and ' Big Brother'.

- 'Money for Nothing': When Madison kissed Horatio! So cute.

- 'MIA NYC NonStop': where H tells the young lady the next time she sees him he'll have caught her parents killer. I just love the way H interacts with children.

- 'Nothing to Lose' - the end scene, this one that don`t have been cut (H/Y holding hands ). don`t have watch it, but have see screencaps and know what exactly happen. For me the most strong cheracter in this tv show is Yelina - what noble gesture/act to take Ray Jn. in the hospital, so to save little Medison life .