Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewalk


This is an interesting story that I thought I would post for the morality element. Would you have returned the check? Anyone here believe in "finders keepers" and would have tried to bank the cheque? How many of you think it would at least cross your mind to keep it? What about if it was a wad of cash you found instead?

NORWICH, Conn. (AP) - A fast-food worker who found a $185,000 check on the sidewalk said he didn't think twice about trying to cash it. Reggie Damone, 47, who receives food stamps and works at McDonald's in Lisbon, managed to track down the owner of the check, a landlord.

Damone took a bus Monday to the bank and returned the wayward check to the landlord's niece, who thanked him with a $50 bill.

Damone said he found the check in an envelope he picked up from a sidewalk, intending to jot down a phone number on what he thought was litter.

Damone said although he knew the $185,000 could pay his rent and other bills for a long time, he was never tempted to try to cash it and splurge.

He said he remembered his mother's words: If you take something, you lose three times that amount and if you do something good, something good comes back to you.

(from International Business Times, 01/01/08)

I hope something good does come back to this guy :)
If I found cash I'd keep it. I lost money myself, never saw it again. Tough luck.
A check is different though, I think I'd be a little paranoid about cashing it as it might be traceable.
I found a 50 Euro note once. It was ripped into tiny pieces so I collected it, stuck it back together and exchanged it for a new one at the bank. I also found a 20 Euro note on the train once, it was stuck in between the seats. :D
A check is different though, I think I'd be a little paranoid about cashing it as it might be traceable

Exactly! I don't think I would dare cash it :lol:

But if I found actual money I would keep but not if it was a large amount!
wibble said:
Anyone here believe in "finders keepers" and would have tried to bank the cheque?

No, I personally wouldn't even entertain the thought of keeping it. Having previously mislaid/lost credit cards, cash, handbags, mobile phones etc (I am clearly not very security concious) I have had the extremely good fortune of finding that people have always handed them in, without stealing a thing! :) If there was a way to hand it in, then I absolutely would. If found £10 in the street once and donated to charity as I didn't know whose it was. Maybe I'm too honest, but then I like to think that most people are honest, at least that's what I hope for. :)
If found £10 in the street once and donated to charity as I didn't know whose it was.

That's a very beautiful gesture. Not many people are like that.

I don't think it's reprehensible to keep small amounts of money, if I found a whole purse though I'd return it.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I wouldn't have thought twice about keeping that cheque. It was definitely going back to the owner. Another thing about cheques for large amounts in the US: the bank won't just allow you to keep the money anyway, even if the cheque was made out to you. They release the money in increments, and research the origin of the money. Good on him though for taking the extra step of finding the owner.

I just noticed how easy it was for me to fall back into the non-American spelling for "cheque/check!" :lol:
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

He's quite a good guy, I would do the same. These are the people who reaffirm your faith in mankind. If he found a small bit of cash that's no different and he should keep it or donate it but any check should be returned.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I'd return the cheque to the bank, no questions. I've always been taught that if it isn't mine, I have no right to it period no matter what situation. I once found $1.50 behind my elementary school (this was when I was still in elementary, lol) and returned it to the office. Though, I had a lot of grief from the teachers who made jokes like "Ooh is it mine? Can I keep it?" Good God. :rolleyes:

I've also had money stolen from me, so I can really put myself in both situations.

I really do hope nice things happen to the guy who found the $185,000 and returned it. We need more people like him out in the world. :) Honesty is the best policy.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I think it is actually against the law to keep something greater than a certain amount. Has anyone seen the movie "Money For Nothing", or heard the story the movie is based on? Rather sad, actually.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I know the thought would have crossed my mind, but I would end up returning it. Morally, I would have to. It would bug me way too much if I were to keep it, and I would know that it would bug me when I found it, so I would return it.

If it was a purse, the thought wouldn't cross my mind, I would most definitely return it without question.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I'd return the cheque to the bank, no questions. I've always been taught that if it isn't mine, I have no right to it period no matter what situation.
Same here, and I would do the same if it was cash. I once found a £50 note in a supermarket carpark. I returned it to the supermarket, and they took my details, saying that if no-one claimed it, I could have it. It wasn't claimed, so the supermarket contacted me and gave me the money back. I didn't feel comfortable about spending it at all, so ended up giving it to charity. It would have definitely played on my mind if I had spent it on myself.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

I would have given the check or cash back. I'd rather someone be albe to pay off what they needed to than sepdning it senselessly. And if the unclaimed money came back I'd give it to someone who needed it.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

The most money I found at once was a 20 dollar bill. I kept it because it was only 20 and I didn't know whose it was. I told my mom when i found it and she made me split it with her. A check is different because that has a name on it. money doesn't have a name on it. If i saw someone drop money on the floor, then i would I would give it back, but if I just found money lying on the ground, then depending on the amount I would consider what to do with it. i think if you return money to like the store that you find it in, whoever you give it to, will just pocket it.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

If i found a cheque it would be different because they can be tracked and has a name on it.

Whereas money such as notes if found just on the floor unless you saw the person drop it you can give it to them if you stood in my local town and said did anyone drop this everyone would say yes. Depending on the amount would depend what i do and where i found it.
Re: Fast-food worker returns $185,000 check found on sidewal

you don't find too many honest people out there anymore. I commend him on his actions. I would also return it to the bank or the rightful owner.