"Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Even if they kind of just showed them in the room with him, no dialogue, just sort of a view of them next to the bed or something..that would have been great.

And his mom, she'd either embarrass or she'd be pissed because he didn't tell her..with her arms crossed saying something like, "And when were you going to tell me you weren't in the lab anymore?" Because you know that as wonderful as mothers are they do have the knack of just making you feel incredibly guilty. :)
speakerset, when I saw toots comment about the "sidle scent," i immediately thought about what you're saying. The sense of smell triggers memories. Maybe just working with her, being around her, having a bit of crush on her ... he associates Sara with the smell of her.
Thank you! There are certain scents that just bring back memories for me, I can associate certain smells with certain people...like say a kitchen that smelled like bread baking, when you smell that again, your brain will be triggered to remember that person or place, we've all had that happen.

The sense of smell is the biggest trigger for memory.

The only thing is I'm still wondering if he really could smell her..the poor thing was so beaten up, I think he had a broken nose too.
I was just watching the episode 'Blood lust' and it so reminded me of FannySmackin. A cab driver hits a boy then a gang of guys pull him from the cab and beat him to a pulp...sound familure?
Aww yeah I thought that too. It makes me sad to think that Greg was like that poor guy!! Luckily for Greg, he's still alive. :eek:
Yeah, I thought that too, watching "Blood Lust" the other night. Especially the whole question of "Who's the hero?" With "Blood Lust" the mob mistakenly thinks the cab driver is trying to escape, when really he's reaching for his radio. And in Fannysmackin' we have Greg accidentally killing a college student who's involved with a gang that beats up people.
The cab driver innocent and Greg totally innocent, both of them heroes because they honestly were just trying to help someone and look what happened. I swear the first time I rewatched that epi after Fannysmackin' (I'm still surprised my DVD's haven't totally just fallen apart from over use) I thought the same thing.

I wonder if they are going to play up the fact that he was a college student (actaully I kind of know they are) but forget that infact he was no innocent bystander, he was the only one that didn't run when Greg pulled up, actually, he was still beating the man when Greg had the siren going too.
Ok the reviews on FannySmackin are in on CSIFiles news, you can read it HERE

Also K-Fed is not even loved at home anymore, Britney has filed for divorce yesterday. Read about that HERE
Actually there is a thread in "General Media" Forum about stars getting divorced, in which I posted about Brit and K-fed. That should really be discussed there. ;)