Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

There are now a few Greg-centric fics post-Fannysmackin' on Unfortunately, is giving me fits right now so all I've got is a few titles:

Into the Deep End (my fic)
Those Who Care
The Price of Altruism

(That's all the titles I can get to at the moment).

I also found a good story elswhere, called One of Them. I'm new here so I'll try and figure out how to post a link. If nothing else, I'll just post the URL and you can copy and paste it.

Edit: seems to be behaving again. Here's some more titles:

Not okay
Safety (this one is Sandle)
How to Save a Life (this one is a WIP)
In His Jeans (Sandle)

There are also a couple of Nick/Greg ones.

Second try

Would some kind soul please PM some links to their favorite CSI fan fiction sites? I prefer ratings that go above teen as I am a 40-year-old woman. I think I have exhausted most of the stories! :)
Re: Second try

I have another request...
I was wondering if anyone knew of any humerous or believable Danny and Lindsay stories. Like a humerous one like Expanding The Relationship...

Thank you so much! :)
Re: Second try

Giwu said:
Would some kind soul please PM some links to their favorite CSI fan fiction sites? I prefer ratings that go above teen as I am a 40-year-old woman. I think I have exhausted most of the stories! :)

I just PMed you a GOOD adress :D hope you will enjoy it ! (as i did :p )
Re: SinCity


Life and Times in Sin City There's more to life than work. Take a look in and outside the lab into the life and times of those who work for the Las Vegas Crime Lab... Sin City is a CSI Las Vegas roleplay community. It's mainly the crew from Vegas with any additional original characters who'd like to join the fun. The premise is taking up where season 5 left off. – No season 6. Basically all characters should stick to what’s happened on the show up to Grave Danger, but creative licenses may be used to ‘fill in the blanks’ for past seasons too. (ie. Sara may have called Nick at the end of You’ve Got Male. Catherine and Warrick may elaborate on their fabulous dinner from Big Middle)

Each player has complete character control with the exception of killing themselves. Ending a character’s run in the role-play must be approved by admin. The opportunity should be afforded for another person to play rather than ending a character’s existence. Playing the character as close to the personality we’ve seen on the show is preferred yet it is understood that everyone goes through changes. For example, it is possible for a character to be bisexual or homosexual behind closed doors. However Warrick suddenly becoming a pimp and Sara his ho is not a reasonable change. So let’s keep things believable please. If in doubt, ask in The Break Room (the ooc site). This place is just starting out and there aren't any clique's allowed!


Feel free to email the Mod at:


Due to adult themes, you must be at least 18 years old to play. In the email application, please include a small statement with your age. Thank you!

Characters needed:

Currently looking for Gil Grissom and Doc Robbins to round off the team. Original characters welcome and other Vegas roles are open.

Looking forward to meeting anyone new. :)
Searching for

I'm sure it's a long shot, but has anyone read or written Horatio/Marisol stories? I think I've already exhausted the internet...found everyone on and gone through many a Live Journal, but I thought I'd ask on the off chance I'd missed something. Or maybe someone wants to write one. Who wants to take on my challenge? Anyone?
Re: Searching for

I have a recommendation...

Title: An Unfinished Work I and II
Author: Teej
Fandom: CSI:Miami
Rating: Not too sure, but make it PG-13 or equivelant
Pairing: Horatio/OC
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of

These two are a fantastic read... go check them out! :)

Tan :cool:
Re: Searching for

Since we're getting close in the states, anyone got any Smacked Thanksgiving stories?
Re: Searching for

Mel, I know someone on ff who's planning to write one but Im not sure yet so I can't really say...
Re: Searching for

Tan said:
I have a recommendation...

Title: An Unfinished Work I and II
Author: Teej
Fandom: CSI:Miami
Rating: Not too sure, but make it PG-13 or equivelant
Pairing: Horatio/OC
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of
Link: and then search under Teej and you'll find her fics...

These two are a fantastic read... go check them out! :)

Tan :cool:
Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

wlk68 said:

It was a CSI:LV case story that centered mostly on Nick and Brass investigating a murder. They got chased by a dog and their primary suspect was a guy who reminded them of Napoleon Dynamite. There was also a scene where Nick ate a Froot Loop that the suspect's mom had strung and used as a decoration on her Christmas tree. His little taste test told him that the cereal was too stale to fit the alibi the mom was using to try and clear her son.

This is called "Code of Silence" by Iboneki and it's a great fic. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in a few months.
Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

Gone Awry
Author: Asa Meda
Rating: T to R
Summary: Sometimes first steps are more falls than stumbles.
Warnings: slash, Gil/Nick

I love this story and tend to rec it everyone who'll listen :) It's my favourite Gil/Nick story and has been since I first read it 3 years ago.
Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

Any Grillows/GCR and SMacked humor or angst fics?
maybe even MacPeyton?!
Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

I'm new to this site. I'm a CaRWash, GSR, and SMacked shipper. I was wondering if anyone would write a songfic with the song "Want to" by Sugarland. It should be a CaRWash fanfic. The lyrics would make an awesome story. Please notify me if you are interested. Thanks! :)
Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase

hmmmm well, I love that song, but I'm not a bit anti CaRwash, but I could do a SMACked one to that song if you want one, just PM me :D