FanFic Poetry

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*drool* Hotness alert!! :D That is such a gorgeaus poem!! :) They all are!! I've said it once before, but it bears repeating, 'HELLOOO, HANDSOME!!!!' :D :lol:
aw, LMH, some gorgeous stuff there, but remember what I said about falling. Harnesses can be found.

Keep up the writing, mefriend :)
you guys really want to know? ok, I usually have a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream while i look at CSI: Miami pics or watch Episodes. anyways here's another Speed poem that came to me last night....
Omg, you've been busy while I was in the sun.
I love those Whispers, they're so Smacked, with the guys who have The looks and Sing to us all night long. *I'm in desperate need of a extra large bucket here* While some of us really are in de Need4Speed, that so under suspicion.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
CSISenna said:
*I'm in desperate need of a extra large bucket here* While some of us really are in de Need4Speed, that so under suspicion.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
*Hands one of my buckets*
ok what? i think you mispelled some words and i have no idea what you mean.
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