FanFic Poetry

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Great Job, CSISenna!!! And great WP too... :D

LMH you just made me break open a new box of kleenex with that last one... soooo sad :( ***sniffles*** (but unfortunately so true also, as of late) ***bursts into tears*** :( :rolleyes:

Great Job..Senna... :) Hope to see more
i don't know whay but now i'm very happy and i've been inspired to write lots of happy Speed poetry. so here's a Speed poem. A happy one.
Awww...long live Speed :) Nice work.

I wasn't going to put it in a picture, but then I got an idea and went with it in Photoshop: H is shaken by what he's about to do, so I tweaked the background a bit so that it appears that way to the reader. Enjoy!


I did this a couple nights ago. I was going to save it for a my new vid. But because I can't come up with happy thoughts, and I've written enough sappy ones, I thought I'd give you's this one.
Need4Speed, glad to see a happy poem.
EyeHeartH, I loved it. Also great photoshopping. I love the move-effect.
Great poem Luving. *Playing the bass,don't we love it!*. And of course again a very sinister Macky. :devil: :devil:
Okay, I really, really, REALLY gotta clean my keyboard now! I'm drooling all over it. Luving, are you trying to kill me here? :devil:
I'm getting out of the hot tub and getting ready for a very..... VERY ..... cold shower!

We two have to make a project of that!

PS: please get back with Mac in the sauna ASAP! :eek:
mmmm I'm doing the same CSISenna :devil:

I'd rather take him in the swimming pool and cool off with him :devil:
here's another happy Speed poem...although it's very sappy and sweet. and it's about i dream i had last night with me and Speed together.


What made him do, the things he had done,
why wasn't I enough, to keep him in love.
I never expected this to come to an end,
but now it has, I'm lost without him.

So cold at night, with no one here,
no one to love, or cuddle or take away my fears.
How do you go on, when everything has flown away,
from what you built through life each new day.

I'm really trying to forget all this pain,
I wish it would all, just go far beyond and away.
So I can once again be happy, with what comes day to day,
rebuilding my future, that you snatched away.
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