FanFic Poetry #3..."Who says you can't Sensually Combust?"

Love all the language walls. MLA, I really love how you did the pics on the E/C wall, even if I don't ship them myself. :) And I :adore: that pic of Carmine and Melina, very cute, perfect poem to go with it too. :)

I didn't know there was a poetry thread on the miscellaneous board already. :lol: I don't go there too often.

katpin, love the Horatio poemwall. :) Love the orange background. :)
Ok, the other day I found this poem that I had written months ago and as I havent got Photoshop at the mo Jools made the wall for me, thanks :)....

Nice work but the script is a bit hard to read. Could you try another color?

If you pop it up in full screen it's readable as I checked it in full screen before saving it. If I change it it takes the color away from the wall.

If you still have trouble reading it, I'll write it up when I have time. ;)