FanFic Poetry #3..."Who says you can't Sensually Combust?"

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what I came back to. Ya have been busy. LOL Wonderful work everyone. I have snagged some along the way.
Hey all! :) Loving all the Mac poems! *drool* And some really pretty backgrounds too! Natural artists, that's what ye are! :) And that last SMacked poem was really beautiful, and the image of Mac and Stella was gorgeaus!! Nice job, MLA!!

My poem is pretty plain compared to all of yours, just words and no pictures, but I hope you enjoy it. You know which ship it's for! ;) :lol: DuCaine all the way, baby! :)

Ode to Destiny

No matter how long it takes,
No matter how far I may go,
No matter what pain I feel,
I will find you.

Through the storms and winds
That blow with icy lonlieness,
And keep us apart,
I will never give up.

As times slowly ticks away,
All I dream of is you,
To see your face,
To hear your voice again.

To hold you close,
And whisper sweet words of love,
That only you will hear,
And never let you go.

You are safe in my heart,
You are all I think of,
You're everything I live for.
Wait for me...

I crossed this poem a few minutes ago. And I couldn't help but smile. So I just want to share with you... :D

I look at the clouds
and see the heaven above.
Rain falls down on me.
There flies my only true love

My true love is now returning.
From his little journey in a foreign country.
My heart is still burning.
In flames off all the chemistry

And even he's so far away now.
I feel his heartbeat next to mine.
His skin so soft and warm.
That's gives me a feeling so fine.

Only true love can answer all questions.
Questions about feelings and emotions.
The answers aren't always truthful
but full of passion and devotion.

My true love is almost home.
Maybe I'll hear him today, maybe tomorrow,
But my heart goes faster and faster,
I can see his reflection in my window.

Until the end off times,
I'll hear his soft voice whispers in my head.
"I'll be home soon my love"
That is truly what he said.