"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

aw hun its ok! it was a very strange, random, out of place scene. for me, if they just did normal couple things for a few seconds once every like 5 episodes thats about all i need. i think people get so emotional over it because some have been waiting 7 years for it to happen, while others have been hoping for 7 years it wouldnt happen.

i meant to say this before, did anyone else think it was in poor taste to mention the jock forcing himself on a girl and going to duke university in the same episode? ;) just me? ok thats what i thought :lol:

does anyone know why they wouldnt press charges against the girl? they have pictures of her pushing the guy and causing the injury that killed him. manslaughter isnt it? so how is getting hit by a car 'punishment enough'? the little stupid reasons why people get off bother me.
allmaple said:
i meant to say this before, did anyone else think it was in poor taste to mention the jock forcing himself on a girl and going to duke university in the same episode? ;) just me? ok thats what i thought :lol:

I thought the same thing, but instead it made me giggle? lol. oops.
oh i definitely laughed. actually, snorted :p i do that though, i laugh at inappropriate things :lol: glad i wasnt alone though
I don't think they were going to just not going to press charges against the girl, they had just mentioned "I think she has suffered enough". Am I wrong? I might have missed the part where they said they were dropping all charges against her, or not going too.

What I liked the most about this episode though was that they showed something that would actually happen in High School, or College. A "hard ass" jock, top of the class, kind of guy has crabs. A few people find out and decide to "frame" him, take a video and broadcast it on the net. That is realistic.

The GSR was what.. MAYBE 30 seconds long? Everyone has the right to their opinions, and if you dislike one then just ignore it. It's quite simple. You read it, and you want to reply then go for it, but you don't have to attack the opinion. I for one, enjoyed the little end scene, even if it did seem a little out of place. But if it had been a different ship that I didn't like, I wouldn't go around saying that "it was a waste of the show" or "it ruined the show", because if that's all you were really focusing on IN the show then why bother watching it? If you think a scene between Grissom and Sara is ruining the show, then you obviously aren't very interested in the main plots/points of the show. I am not attacking anyone or anyone's opinion I am just stating my own.
*Moderator getting headache*

I was asked what I want? honestly I would love the arguing about the arguing to cease, I have listened to nothing but bickering about it and honestly I have had it!

I have explained about "opinions", I have explained about "friendly & respective", I have pointed out the "Show Critism rule", I have pointed out the "Ship rule" which has been the SAME in this forum along, & I have answered questions over and over again.

ONE LAST TIME maybe this will be clearer.
A person has the right to say they don't like a scene or even a character or ship, as much as someone has the right to say they love a scene, character or ship. As long as they back up their opinion which they are entitled to, and others are entitled to disagree with, AS LONG as its done in a friendly respective manner on BOTH sides. If you can not agree then agree to disagree and let it be and walk away.

Ship discussion rule, You can discuss the ship mentioned in the episode as it pertains to the episode, opinions, impressions, scenes. If you don't want to hear it or read it, if you see it skip it, this goes both ways. You are asked not to bash but to give an opinion in a fashion that is friendly and or respectable, if you (neither side) can not muster that then step away from the computer and take a deep breath, or let it be.

Right now people are trying to discuss the episode but its amongst the bickering over the arguing and that is NOT acceptable this has gone on way to long. *Holds up hand* I AM NOT pointing out any one person I am making a point, I have tried to let you all work it out, I have tried to reason it out, when that doesn't work its time as I have said before to bring out the "Meanie Mod" and say Enough is enough.

If you have a problem with this, you can either contact me, you can visit QSF about it, or you can contact an admin. Hopefully this is clear now.

*Moving on now*
does anyone know why they wouldnt press charges against the girl? they have pictures of her pushing the guy and causing the injury that killed him. manslaughter isnt it? so how is getting hit by a car 'punishment enough'? the little stupid reasons why people get off bother me.

i think they knew the jury wouldn't find her guilty, and since it was an acident anyway and she is paralyzed..she didn't really get away with it.

The 30 second scene make me uneasy and was a little sickening for me. I see Grissom and Sara as father/daughter relationship dynamic, that is how I have always seen them, and now it is disturbing to me. That is my opinion, that is how I see it, that is all that I said, frankly I don't see how that is 'bashing'. I call a spade a spade, I am not going to sugar coat it...how else would I describe how I felt about the scene? And yes, it is ruining the show for me, because I don't like how Grissom has changed, and the dynamic of the show now.
I actually liked the scene with Nick and Greg, where Greg was telling Nick about his 'experiences' in Highschool, it got a small laught out of me. It's nice seeing Greg back to normal.
I've been frightened to come in here to say what I thought about the episode. But, now that most of the drama I was afraid of has passed, I'm here. :)

So, I liked the episode. In the past, whenever CSI tried something, "Different," it usually failed. "Roshamama" was the rare exception where a change in format led to a great episode. I felt that "Fallen Idols" was a great episode. We started off with narration, without seeing any of our team. We didn't go straight to a dead body. We actually got to see these kids alive and HAPPY. It was a bit of a shocker, and the "Without a Trace" fadeaway of the pics was a bit jarring, but I liked it.

I liked the flow of the episode. It seemed to just run together beautifully, from scene to scene. The dissapearance of the kids flowed into the scene with the parents reporting the missing children, which included Brass. We then followed Brass' voice to Grissom as he walked across the parking lot. It was really nicely done.

I pegged the teacher for something suspicious from the beginning, though I'm not sure why. And, while I figured Shelly had done something worthy of punishment, the extent to which things went? Yeah, didn't see that coming. When she died, it was a shocker, and it was a perfect twist. It would have been completely random, but the swallowed memory card kept the story moving.

By the way, I had a memory card struck by lightning because lightning struck my cable cord outside, which connected to my modem, which connected to my ethernet cord, which connected to my ethernet card, which somehow flowed into my memory card which was in the computer. Yeah, fried. Never worked, again. Archie must have some AMAZING equipment to get that memory card to work after being in someone's stomach for a day.

I loved Ms. Fox's curly hair. It's just so beautiful on her, and I'm glad they're doing it more often. I know that's completely superficial, but it made me squee a little. My hair doesn't curl. To this day, as a grown woman, I'm still known to bounce my mother's curls from time to time when I go to visit. I just can't help it. They're gorgeous. My hair is stick straight... so cool to see Sara with curls.

Everyone who did wrong in this episode was punished, but none in the traditional sense... Well, except Charlie. He'll do some jail time. But the girlfriend? She's paralyzed from the hips down. Shelly died. The cheating boyfriend died... and the teacher who slept with her student committed suicide. And, how creepy was the Romeo and Juliet pose??

I think this episode really worked well as an ensemble. There were a lot of great little moments that made me absolutely giggle. Catherine's line to Grissom about him being creepy had me giggling like a child. Warrick's line about the number of panties, and how if they belonged to one girl she had nothing left to wear... Hilarious. Just some great stuff in there. And, we saw everyone. The whole team was on this one.

Loved the Greg/Nick scene on the football field. Grissom and Nick always had this relationship where Nick was really soaking up everything Grissom said, and Grissom was a great teacher. I think the torch has been passed on, and now Nick is helping Greg along. Greg's theory could have worked, had Nick not debunked it with the fact that the blood was all the guy's! :)

Also, some others have mentioned it, but since when was Greg getting action in high school? Methinks, rather than the character boasting about something that never happened, the writers didn't go back and check earlier episodes and history of their characters. Sometimes, I think we fans should be the continuity checkers, because I'm sure we're more obsessed than most the writers on the show! :)

Marlane Gomard Meyer wrote this episode, and I've never heard of her, before. But, I loved it. I mean, I went into the episode with some spoilers, but still found lots of surprises, and just loved the flow and balance of the episode. It was an ensemble piece. The story had twists and turns, and the depths of human nature were displayed on the screen.

As for the GSR, here's what I wrote on Thursday night about it:

"Firstly, I want to hug the foley artists for this one. If his stubble was already gone and they did a dull razor, then the sound was INCREDIBLE. It sounded like individual hairs were being cut off by the razor. Beautiful.

Second, every time Grissom says, "Intimately," I melt. I'm a puddle on the floor, staring up at the screen. It's like, I love my fiance. I've been with him three and a half years... but every now and then he just says something, or looks at me a certain way, and I just melt. That's how it is with this SINGLE word. It's like, "WOAH. Gris can be sexy. Go Sara!"

Third, selfishly, I wanted more. But, in the context of the episode, and with nothing following it, it worked. Grissom didn't want to get out of bed on Saturday morning (I wonder why). He probably uses his love's name as his password (AW!). Sara remembered a relationship gone bad, where she thought they were monogamous, and she found out they weren't... They watched as a web of lies led everyone involved to suffer. In the midst of all this, there's Grissom and Sara, two people who love each other dearly, and who are committed to one another. I really think that they've patched things up since the LLV goodbye scene. They felt natural, tonight. I love how she stood there, taking him in, and he stood there, taking her in. They were just living in the moment, breathing each other in.

I don't care if it was Sara's idea or Grissom's... They both went through with it. She held the blade to his skin, and he didn't flinch. He even invited her, closing his eyes, cocking his head, making himself accessible. Beautiful.

She almost smiles after he says, "Intimately." She has this look on her face, this look of satisfaction, this happiness, this peace. She needs some peace after the freakin' turmoil he put her through. Man runs off to the other side of the country with very little warning, then sends her a stick with a bug on it... Yeah, she needs some peace after that.

Even after he closes his eyes, he keeps peeking at her, keeps sneaking glances at her as she works. He's transfixed. It's beautiful.

I love that they did the two shot with the two of them, his back essentially to the wall, Sara out front. It reminds me of "Invisible Evidence" and the infamous/famous "Pin me down" moment. That moment was not planned out. Neither of them expected it to happen, but they found themselves face to face, very little space between them, and there was something there. There was discomfort. Sara moved out of the way, because she realized just how close they were, and how frightening that was, in that moment. Sara was thinking about the case and her promotion. Grissom was thinking about the case. The "spark" moment was an accident.

Tonight was intentional. His back was to the wall by choice. He put himself in a position to be at her mercy, to give her control. This time, when they stood face to face, inches apart, there was determination and intent in both their eyes. This moment was planned. This moment was well-thought out, and they were completely focused on one another. Last time, Sara was the one to move away. This time, she's the one to initiate contact. She's the one to reach out to touch him and keep the moment, to hold onto it.

This is our bookend, people. Maybe no one else sees it that way, but, to me, it's our bookend to "Pin me down." He trusts her. She loves him. They're no longer dancing around one another. This scene proves it. This is serious, this is real, and this is so much fun to watch."

It's been a few days since the episode aired, and watching the scene, again... I still like it. I see it woven into the story of trust and mistrust in this episode. Is it a solid, strong theme to the point that no one could pick it apart? Nah.

I saw it the first time I watched the episode. It's this story about trust. The Cheerleader trusted her boyfriend. He cheated on her and gave her an SDD. Sara trusted her college boyfriend. He handed her a pair of underwear that didn't belong to her. Trust is a delicate thing, especially for a character like Sara, who has been through so much.

I know people who have been torn to pieces, and trusting a man, especially, is very difficult. When Warrick mentions Sara's taste in men, she still seems a little unsure. I mean, it wasn't so long ago that Grissom took off for the other side of the country without telling her. However, by the end of the episode, in those final moments, she looks at peace. He's trusting her. He's offering her trust, and I think she trusts him in return.

Overall, I liked this episode a lot. I liked the flawed characters, the symbolism, the writing, the flow of the episode, the face time for main characters, and the little tidbits to remind us that our main characters are human beings. It was a fun episode.

PS: Sorry for the novel. :)
I watched Fallen Idols a few days ago and it was okay, but I'm not enjoying CSI right now, I don't know it's kinda frustrating to wait almost two years for some Grave Danger continuity.
Maybe people are tired of hearing about Grave Danger, but I'm a huge Nick fan and he is the only reason why I'm still watching the show.
Anyway, Nick's line about that he wished to get selective amnesia, because there are things in his past he would like to forget; it's nice to see that he still has problems, but I would like to see that he mentioned this infront of his friends and not some girl we'll never see again.
Was this scene a poor attempt from TPTB to give us Grave Danger continuity or maybe TPTB suffer from selective amnesia and forgot that Nick got buried alive?

And about the shaving scene, I know that GSR fans won't like to hear this, but in my opinion the scene was bad. It was out of context and looked too forced and the melody in the background made it only worse. I don't know what TPTB are thinking, it seemed that they just threw in this scene to give us GSR, couldn't they come up with a better idea for this?
We already had Grave Danger continuity, about 4 times; Bodies in Motion, Shooting Stars, Still Life, and Daddy's Little Girl. I would love more continuity as well but in reality it is long gone. That episode is nearly 2 years old by now.
Maple I flinched when Greg mentioned the assault and Duke in the same sentance too! I thought "wow...that's kinda...not right!" :lol:

I pegged the teacher from the moment she opened her mouth...I watched her with Warrick the first time and thought "ok, she's a total nympho!"
Alyssa, you are my hero. Seriously. Everything you said hit the nail on the head. Amazing work.

*smiles and gives her a big hug* Thank you for typing all that out. You have a profound understanding of the themes, and I applaud you.

Let me also say that your GSR comments were perfection. It's so true--they finally connect.

I thought I was one of very few that absolutely LOVED this episode. I'm glad to see I do not stand alone :)
mrb105 said:
We already had Grave Danger continuity, about 4 times; Bodies in Motion, Shooting Stars, Still Life, and Daddy's Little Girl. I would love more continuity as well but in reality it is long gone. That episode is nearly 2 years old by now.

Oh, right Daddy's little girl and the "So, it's over" thing; this was some really good continuity. :rolleyes:
What I miss on CSI is a conversation between Nick and Grissom about what happened or maybe that at least someone would mention anything about Nick's ordeal, like they do now with Greg's beating/lawsuit thing in almost each episode. :rolleyes:
Well, maybe it isn't so interesting to show the fallout of being buried alive, everyone has a different understanding of continuity.
I don't really see them mentioning Greg's thing that much, and if they do it has nothing to do with the effect on him but the on going case with him being sued. Everybody involved with Nick's kidnapping is dead, and Nick is a lot more mentally tough then Greg, he has been a CSI a hell of a lot longer and has had his life put in danger before.
I don't think it done. Daddy's little girl, Shooting Stars, Still Life, and Bodies in Motion don't mean nothing.

Carol said in the inteview, (If I believe her.) Nick will have trouble with the buries alive, Warrick will spent more time with someone, it not Catherine, it Nick. Nick will suppose to have a break down.

We all see it at Redrum and Fallen Idols, when he yelled at the suspect, he don't usually does it.