Eyes in the wrong places.

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Damn I just took a look at all the pictures, thats HILARIOUS!!! I love the "everyone is checking out Grissom" LOL, with the commentary it totally changes the perspective LOOL!!!
Thaaanx so much!!! *blush*
I did it yesterday thinking I needed something different for this forum, and of course this goes for my favorite pairing but shhhh we are not supposed to talk about that here ;)

I love this picture. Sara looks infatuated with Grissom, while Grissom is using a flashlight to check out Catherine who seems extremely interested in Nick... and Nick doesn't know what the hell is going on. :lol: Now that is a Kodak moment.

LOL. You know I never actually noticed that, when I first looked at the pic, but after reading your post, I'm really starting to see it :D
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I like the cath chcekcing out Nick one. Nick's face is just like 'huh'.
they check each other out on a regular basis. and i'd say cath gives him a run for the money on checking people out in general.
Yep, I think Grissom always checks, mostly because he's observing everyone and everything!!!

It reminds me this quote in the play "Closer"
"Were you spying?"
"lovingly observing...with a telescope"

or something like that LOOL...
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