Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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Josoyjo said:
and Erica your videos on youtube are the best!!!
Aww thank you! I'm glad that you like them. I'm trying to upload my videos to whoiskeppler.com including a couple which YouTube didn't accept, but they are kind of slow at approving videos. There must be a lot of vids for them to look at. LOL.

Welcome to the Eye Candy thread. Make yourself comfy and don't forget to visit the Marg/Catherine discussion thread as well! ;)
Congrats on the new thread! :D *throws confetti* :p Nice pictures :D And thnx for your credit Hottie! I really appriciate that :)
congratulation on the new thread!!...thanks!/ :)..I've never seen the picture with her husband!...really nice! :D
Josoyjo welcome!

Drumchik said:

And...*is blind* Where is the Marg and Alan pic? I can't see it!
Yup ineverysunflower.. like Anne I can't see the pictures either. :( Anyone wanna give us the direct URL to the pics? :D

Can't have a new thread without this lol
I see the Marg/Alan pic just fine. Here's one of my favorites:

ETA: Just saw this in the new TV Guide:
"In fact she was having so much fun that we could barely find a photo where she wasn't moving." :lol: So nice :) Loooove that pic of her. Teh smile *melts* And that dress is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Thanks for posting, kay :)
Like I just said on aam, I certainly can't resist that smile. LOL. The dancing queen part reminded me that Anne has done a Marg video using ABBA's Dancing Queen and it's a really great vid. You need to upload it somewhere, Anne. :D
She looks so flippin happy. That's such an awesome picture. It doesn't look staged at all. I LOVE it. It could be one of my all time favs.
The Marg/Alan pic. It hides from me. *sobs*

I love that pic of Marg. It's just so Marg!

And the vid...hmm...gotta think of where to put that.
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