Lab Technician
I'm posting this one first as there is a little on Natalia (& really there's no need for a spoiler box but I'll do it to be safe):
The rest of the interview can be read here:Last we saw Natalia in the season nine finale, things were looking pretty grim, how fast do things turn around for her in season ten?
E.L.R.: I'm shooting episode five now so episode one turned out [okay] for me, but I can't tell you what happens! You will have to tune in to see!
How heavily will the recent events-- the kidnapping, the being trapped in the car-- weigh on Natalia in her daily life? Will she be able to do her job as usual or will we see more of a downward spiral this year?
E.L.R.: I'm happy to share there is no downward spiral. Natalia rallies!
What are the odds Natalia may find love this year?
E.L.R.: Find love? I don't know, they don't tell me anything! Though on our show there is always a flirtation, and a flirtation would be fun!
Hmm, though I am glad Natalia rallies and picks herself up fast but I just wish they had touched more on some aftermath. After all she has been through hell and back. I don't expect a "downward spiral" which is a little ridiculous but at least some proper closure and not her coming back and as if nothing happened. Oh well, at least this interviewer asked a very good question and its answered. Now I hope for a new storyline for Natalia!! PLEASE & thanks TPTB!!!