Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Did you all read the article in the spoiler thread about the 200th episode? The case revolves around a pregnant woman who's beaten & left for dead -- I haven't seen too many spoilers for this episode, but I'm hoping we'll see more on Natalia's ordeal considering her abuse will resurface just 3 episodes prior to this one, & well, obviously a case of a woman being beaten is right up her alley. Hope the opportunity isn't wasted. *fingers crossed*.

Nah, I don't get the feeling that they will even mention about Natalia's ordeal. We would be lucky if she gets to connect with the victim. Didn't we are "told" that we will get to see Natalia connecting with the cases more this season? Huh? Have they forgotten - AGAIN? :shifty:
Did you all read the article in the spoiler thread about the 200th episode? The case revolves around a pregnant woman who's beaten & left for dead -- I haven't seen too many spoilers for this episode, but I'm hoping we'll see more on Natalia's ordeal considering her abuse will resurface just 3 episodes prior to this one, & well, obviously a case of a woman being beaten is right up her alley. Hope the opportunity isn't wasted. *fingers crossed*.

Just gonna quickly say about "See No Evil", I liked the Nat/Ben interaction even though it wasn't as connecting as I heard it would be. The bathroom scene was funny and cool, specially since Nat seemed to give Ben the benifit of the doubt that he can look after himself while Ryan was a lil goof ball as always....

And can I just say, love those two together on cases, hoping for some RaiN!

And I haven't heard anything about that episode of the beaten pregnant woman but thank you MJ! I hope it involves Natalia!

....and...I've my own wishfull thinking too ;)

Your discription of the episode just boosted my "Nat-lost-a-baby" theory MJ! I can see it now, Natalia would most likely hide her nightmares/hallicuinations from the team like she did with her hearing injury.

Then the beaten pregnant women could really hit home for her if my theory is correct ;) Just a thought I thought to share ;D
While I'd love to see Natalia connect with this abuse vicitim, I'm a little on the skeptical side here. Didn't we see spoilers that indicated:

that this the episode where Calleigh donates blood to the pregnant victim and literally stays with her throughout the whole epidsode?

I have a bad feeling that this will be their way of giving a "wink" to Procter's pregnancy and rather than putting the focus where it should be - with Natalia and the abuse angle - it will be with Calleigh just being "ever so sweet" to the poor victm and they are going to make it all about Calleigh.

I hope not, but those spoilers had me thinking this since I first read them. Especially since Procter, in interviews, can't seem to get past the fact they didn't write her pregnancy into the show. Maybe this is TPTB's way of making it up to her. :(
I did happen to think that she took to him a little more than the usual witness though -- she made the point in calling him to tell him Lindsay was alive/found & that it was because of him. I also liked how she assured him that this wasn't about treating him "special" because of his disability, which, imo is how Natalia wouldn't want to be treated because of her hearing loss either.
Agreed. Natalia's connection to Ben wasn't exactly spelled out for us, but I do think Eva did a great job of conveying it to us. Her eyes in that last scene when she tells him the good news pretty much said it all for me.

maybe once tptb started heading into the GhostOfNick idea, they decided not to focus on her hearing loss & cut it from the episode. Seems like everything since the explosion was nothing more than a chain of events to lead Natalia to whatever state she'll be in come episode 5 & beyond.
Giving up hope already? :( Maybe her hearing loss will get a shout out in Sleepless. After all, Scott Powers did tweet "body double action". Perhaps we'll see that cochlear concussion-causing slap?

Next week has me nervous -- episode 4 of last season was when she went MIA. I'll prepare myself early for the possible absence. *grrrr*
Oh man, I don't like to hear that! Let's think back to happier times, shall we? Episode five of season four! We had a lot of Natalia in that one!

Is there anywhere to see the deleted Natalia scenes from 'Rio'?
My guess is no. Because if it was possible, you better believe that we already would've found them, watched them a bajillion times, and scrutinized them 'till we all got sick of it. :p

Did you all read the article in the spoiler thread about the 200th episode? The case revolves around a pregnant woman who's beaten & left for dead -- I haven't seen too many spoilers for this episode, but I'm hoping we'll see more on Natalia's ordeal considering her abuse will resurface just 3 episodes prior to this one, & well, obviously a case of a woman being beaten is right up her alley. Hope the opportunity isn't wasted. *fingers crossed*.
Natalia and some sort of miscarriage/pregnancy storyline immediately sprang to my mind when I read the article. Unfortunately, I think Delynn is right about the spoilers involving Calleigh connecting with the beaten pregnant woman. But still, that's not reason to give up hope for us. Maybe it's a story that hits too close to home for Nat and she therefore opts to stay away from the woman and strictly work in the lab or elsewhere in the field or whatever? Oh, I don't know... but I really would like some kind of hint that she's maybe had a child or had once been pregnant! (I think she'd just make the BEST mommy.)
First I have to say that yes I do think there's a nod to Procter's baby in this one -- the only spoilers we've heard is that she'll sit by the victim in the hospital, & hospital scenes won't soak up the entire episode....they do have suspects to catch & put away, which is likely where all the real action will be. ;)
Natalia could deal with her own issues in trying to catch the fools who beat the victim, so I'm not giving up hope that we'll see a glimpse of something there for Nat. Her being abused is in the past, but she's still battling Nick in some form - so rather than Natalia bonding with the abused victims playing the role of the woman who "knows how it feels", I could see her becoming very angry & putting all her emotions into catching people like Nick. Perhaps we'll see Natalia become a bit revengeful this time around.

About the baby speculation thing -- has anyone wondered that IF she does have a child, maybe it isn't Nicks? Maybe the real father has the baby & won't give up full custody? (we'll make sure he dies later if this is the case - lol)
I remember in 'Looks Could Kill' Nick implied that Natalia slept around (his comment to Eric at the crime scene ...can't recall the exact words). At the time I chalked it off as him being pissy that she'd moved on to another man & just wanted under Eric's skin - but it's entirely possible that she had a brief affair towards the end of her marriage (who the hell could blame her!). So if an affair was the case, then I could certainly see why she'd have kept something like that a big secret.
It's amusing most of us really think she has a baby or was pregnant at some point in her life. :p Maybe this aside anyone can think of any other secret? Why she became a mole for the FBI, etc?

I imagine she will let out something in Sleepless when she is drugged.
It's amusing most of us really think she has a baby or was pregnant at some point in her life. :p Maybe this aside anyone can think of any other secret? Why she became a mole for the FBI, etc?

I imagine she will let out something in Sleepless when she is drugged.

That's what I'm thinking too, Michya.
For one thing, it's typical of tptb to spread spoilers that only refer to the few episodes they've already filmed, so when O'Brien said that about Natalia, my reaction was that it would likely come up soon rather than later in the season. It isn't very often they "speak" that far in advance.
Besides, what better way to expose any dirty secrets she might have than to have her spill her guts to a stranger!?! This way, the audience knows but the team doesn't ;)

Honestly I can't think of any other secrets she might have except for the whole baby/affair thing :lol: But my guess is that it will indeed involve Nick & have something to do with thier marriage/abuse/past.

Hmmm....maybe Natalia had an addiction? Drugs, anti-depressants?
:shifty: I don't really care for that thought....
Natalia could deal with her own issues in trying to catch the fools who beat the victim, so I'm not giving up hope that we'll see a glimpse of something there for Nat. Her being abused is in the past, but she's still battling Nick in some form - so rather than Natalia bonding with the abused victims playing the role of the woman who "knows how it feels", I could see her becoming very angry & putting all her emotions into catching people like Nick. Perhaps we'll see Natalia become a bit revengeful this time around.
We're totally on the same page here. That is exactly what I would love to see Natalia doing in the 200th episode! It would be so perfect and would just reinforce to everyone just how strong a person she is.

Hear that, TPTB? Make it happen!

About the baby speculation thing -- has anyone wondered that IF she does have a child, maybe it isn't Nicks? Maybe the real father has the baby & won't give up full custody? (we'll make sure he dies later if this is the case - lol)
I remember in 'Looks Could Kill' Nick implied that Natalia slept around (his comment to Eric at the crime scene ...can't recall the exact words). At the time I chalked it off as him being pissy that she'd moved on to another man & just wanted under Eric's skin - but it's entirely possible that she had a brief affair towards the end of her marriage (who the hell could blame her!). So if an affair was the case, then I could certainly see why she'd have kept something like that a big secret.
I definitely want the baby (if there is one - we are getting so ahead of ourselves here! :lol:) to be Nick's. I just... it would be so perfect. It would also be a little confusing if it was any other way. I can't see her having had a baby before Nick with some other guy; surely Nick would've known about it and would've brought it up when he came back. And I can't see Natalia as someone who had an affair (it would kill a little piece of my soul, to be honest) or not having full custody of a child from it. (After all... in this country, there has to be something insanely wrong with the mother [or the mother has to have really messed up] in order for the courts to award custody to the father.)

Oh, dont' mind me... I just love the idea of a Natalia/Nick baby that Natalia saved from Nick by giving up for adoption, etc.

I imagine she will let out something in Sleepless when she is drugged.
Or maybe the psychic will! "You have had a difficult life, no? Marriage with an angry man... there is a lot of pain..." Although... is she supposed to turn out to be a fraud or something?
why is everyone putting conjecture and/or wishful thinking in spoiler boxes?

Any mention of an upcoming episode has to be in spoiler boxes, whether it's speculation, theories, or wishful thinking. :)

(After all... in this country, there has to be something insanely wrong with the mother [or the mother has to have really messed up] in order for the courts to award custody to the father.)
In this country, yes - but in 'Miami', all you need is the father to just-so-happen to be a hot-shot lawyer with lots of slimy lawyer friends :p

I get what you're saying though, really. I wouldn't care either way (Nick or someone else's baby), I'd just really like to see her tackle being a single Mommy & a CSI. I've just always had the image of her having a little girl with big brown eyes & dark curly hair who looks just like her Mama. :adore:

And to be frank ....tptb freakin' owe us, & her!
And to be frank ....tptb freakin' owe us, & her!

I 100% agree, Nat really deserves some time and plots. Not just because she had little to none last season :scream:(stupid TPTB!):scream: but also with the amazing work shes done with that little time giving and with the expanding time she seems to be getting this season.

I have some, timid faith in CBS and TPTB to keep up on their promise to show more Ryan and Natalia this season, which they seem to be doing so far *fingers crossed*

Hope I didn't jink it!

As for the baby thing, if its true, I doubt its still alive (Nick's abuse) and if he/she is then I doubt Natalia is/can get contact with them, otherwise, for the short time he was around, Nick would have mentioned them.

I mean, I know the guy was a monster but I doubt he'd like to bring up his own child if he killed him/her, specially in a crime lab.

For reasons I cannot explain, that idea is just screaming round my mind, I hope its true. It would explain alot about Natalia/Nicks past and also her chararistics (such as keeping her cards close and such)
I've just always had the image of her having a little girl with big brown eyes & dark curly hair who looks just like her Mama. :adore:

Aww, I would totally love to see this! :p

I am thinking if she has a kid, the kid would be at least 7 years old.

I hope we have a good promo this week for 'Sleepless in Miami'...I would be sleepless for the next week waiting if so. :lol:

A tiny bit more from Eva about Sleepless in Miami:

Is CSI: Miami doing a Halloween episode this season?
Yes, and it’s one of my favorite episodes! It’s particularly creepy and totally unlike any of the other CSI: Miami’s. It’s about a drug—which evidently is a real drug that’s akin to a zombie drug—and peopletrip out heavily on it. They see aliens and monsters chasing them and whatever their darkest fear is becomes realized in the middle of being on this drug. We find this guy who doesn’t know if he has killed somebody or if he killed himself—he’s in the middle of this humungous nightmare and my character Natalia ends up going undercover to figure out how it happened.

Does Natalia get into any trouble on the case?
I end up getting drugged and shooting at my coworkers and thinking that they’re my ex-husband trying to kill me! But my ex-husband is already dead. I’m tripped out in that episode. It was a blast! Anytime we get a chance to do anything other than being in the lab, it’s always fun.

Speaking of Halloween, what are you going to be this year?
I like being a ghoul. Every year I’m a different sort of ghoul, so this year I’m going to be a white ghostly ghoul, kind of a 1600’s ghostly ethereal looking ghoul. I’m excited!


Oh my! Our Natalia going crazy? Can't wait to see! :p And so Ghost!Nick is trying to kill her. Its Eva's fave episode...so it will also be ours!
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I'd just really like to see her tackle being a single Mommy & a CSI.
THIS times ten billion! I would love, love, love to see Natalia as a mother; I think she'd make a wonderful one. Could you imagine? (Of course you could; we all could - and I'm sure we all have! :p) A mini Natalia running around the lab, getting completely spoiled by her Aunt and Uncle CSIs... it would be perfect!

And to be frank ....tptb freakin' owe us, & her!
I'm not much of a religious person, but... AMEN.

A tiny bit more from Eva about Sleepless in Miami:

Is CSI: Miami doing a Halloween episode this season?
Yes, and it’s one of my favorite episodes! It’s particularly creepy and totally unlike any of the other CSI: Miami’s. It’s about a drug—which evidently is a real drug that’s akin to a zombie drug—and peopletrip out heavily on it. They see aliens and monsters chasing them and whatever their darkest fear is becomes realized in the middle of being on this drug. We find this guy who doesn’t know if he has killed somebody or if he killed himself—he’s in the middle of this humongous nightmare and my character Natalia ends up going undercover to figure out how it happened.

Does Natalia get into any trouble on the case?
I end up getting drugged and shooting at my coworkers and thinking that they’re my ex-husband trying to kill me! But my ex-husband is already dead. I’m tripped out in that episode. It was a blast! Anytime we get a chance to do anything other than being in the lab, it’s always fun.

Speaking of Halloween, what are you going to be this year?
I like being a ghoul. Every year I’m a different sort of ghoul, so this year I’m going to be a white ghostly ghoul, kind of a 1600’s ghostly ethereal looking ghoul. I’m excited!

Oh my! Our Natalia going crazy? Can't wait to see! :p And so Ghost!Nick is trying to kill her. Its Eva's fave episode...so it will also be ours!
I just peed my pants in excitement. Hooooooooooly shit. OMG OMG OMG.


Shooting at her fellow CSIs? Good thing she's not that great of a shot then, eh? :p

Halloween CANNOT come soon enough!
Omg omg omg omg omg!!!! I kind of regret that I read that, hahaha, but it is sooo hard to resist. Man! It's going to be awesome, how am I supposed to wait?????
A tiny bit more from Eva about Sleepless in Miami:

Is CSI: Miami doing a Halloween episode this season?
Yes, and it’s one of my favorite episodes! It’s particularly creepy and totally unlike any of the other CSI: Miami’s. It’s about a drug—which evidently is a real drug that’s akin to a zombie drug—and peopletrip out heavily on it. They see aliens and monsters chasing them and whatever their darkest fear is becomes realized in the middle of being on this drug. We find this guy who doesn’t know if he has killed somebody or if he killed himself—he’s in the middle of this humungous nightmare and my character Natalia ends up going undercover to figure out how it happened.

Does Natalia get into any trouble on the case?
I end up getting drugged and shooting at my coworkers and thinking that they’re my ex-husband trying to kill me! But my ex-husband is already dead. I’m tripped out in that episode. It was a blast! Anytime we get a chance to do anything other than being in the lab, it’s always fun.

Speaking of Halloween, what are you going to be this year?
I like being a ghoul. Every year I’m a different sort of ghoul, so this year I’m going to be a white ghostly ghoul, kind of a 1600’s ghostly ethereal looking ghoul. I’m excited!


Oh my! Our Natalia going crazy? Can't wait to see! :p And so Ghost!Nick is trying to kill her. Its Eva's fave episode...so it will also be ours!

Oh, I'm am SOOOOOOO there for this episode. I'm so excited to see the scene with the pictures that we've seen come to life! :)

I just KNOW Eva is going to be so good! :thumbsup:
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