Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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More spoilers, hold onto your hats, ladies...this is a pretty big hint.

A few tweets from Scott Powers (I have no idea who this is, obviously someone on the set as we speak):

On studio lot in the crime lab with Eva LaRue

An earlier tweet:
Working CSI tomorrow - doing a little body double action for Rob Estes

:eek: Rob Estes - aka NICK TOWNSEND!

I believe they're filming episode 9 right now, but not totally for sure, so I don't know which episode this is for.

Also keep in mind this could be for flashback purposes, but it's also very possible that Nick is not dead & Rob Estes is returning.
Oh mannnnn! You're the best, mjszud! This is really, really good news. It seems like TPTB have finally realized how miserable they've made us Natalia fans over the last four seasons and this is their way of apologizing or something! (Nah, I know it's only because Emily's in delicate condition. If she wasn't pregnant, I'm sure this season would go much differently.)

My guess is that Nick is definitely dead; I'm sure that he'll only be making an appearance in flashbacks this season. I know Miami holds the world record for shark jumping, but even the idea of him still alive is probably a little too far-fetched for TPTB. Furthermore, I haven't read anything anywhere (including IMDB, which is always up-to or ahead-of date on upcoming episodes and the actors in them) that says Rob Estes is making a return. From the looks of it, we'll just be getting a few violent flashbacks. With that said, I hope they don't make 'Talia a complete victim; I'd like to see her be strong and stick up for herself as best she can.

Again, thanks for sharing your find, mjszud! You're awesome! :thumbsup:

Greetings good people! Like many of you, I went over to the spoiler thread and took a good look at the photos of Natalia there. Since I don't want to violate any rules of the forum I'll give you my impression of what is going on.

If you take a look at the background of the picture of Natalia with her gun out, it sort of looks like some sort of parking garage. You go to the picture where you have Ryan and H standing over Nat in what seems to be the same parking garage. One tends to think that Nat may be drugged. My guess is that Natalia has been shot. We've all sort of heard that in that episode, Natalia is actually put into an undercover capacity, something she is not trained for and something that could involve more danger that she would usually face in her usual duties. It's going to be interesting to find out how she gets put into this. TPTB said before the season started that CSI-Miami is going to be more intense. Well, Ryan got a nail that just missed his eye, Delko has been shot and nearly died TWICE, Jesse died from oxygen deprivation and Calleigh nearly died of smoke inhalation. Well, that leaves H, Frank, Natalia, and Walter. My guess is that this is just Natalia's turn to be in mortal danger. One could say I am thrilled and appalled at the same time. I don't think anyone on this thread wants to see Nat get shot, however this episode is definitely going to put her front and center!! Can't wait!!
I thought she might've gotten shot at first as well, but my guess is that it's an effect of the drug that she's been slipped. Probably a delayed reaction or something. She probably goes woozy, collapses, and gets a bit hysterical as her consciousness shuts down on her or something.


...sorry had to get that energy out...
I hope Nick is dead and we see him in flashbacks.I don't think it can work other way...But this is great news for Natalia!!:)
So after mjszud posted the spoiler!Tweet information, I hunted down this Scott Powers' Twitter. Turns out he's the body double for Rob Estes. Anyway... I've been stalking his page since. It appears that a huge Miami fan followed him and started up a conversation about his role. She basically asks him how his shoot went. He replies that it was fun, will probably be part of the episode airing on Halloween, and viewers will catch a glimpse of him in the "dream sequence". The girl he's corresponding with asks if he has a certain character. He responds: "Ghost of Nick".

Don't believe me?


So it looks like Nick is actually dead if people on the set are referring to this guy's character as the ghost of Nick. Furthermore, I guess when Natalia gets drugged, she'll have nightmares of Nick. Maybe that's where that one picture of her on the ground with Horatio and Ryan hovering over her comes into play... like I said earlier, my guess is that the picture is of her right after she starts to lose consciousness from the drugs the woman slipped her. Only instead of her still being just barely awake, she's actually passed out there in the depths of a "Nickmare" and Horatio as well as Ryan are trying to rouse her out of it?

I don't know. I should be asleep. Too tired to function.
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Guys, I am now confused. So is there actually another episode which we will see where Nick (or this body-double) appear or will it all take place in Ep. Sleepless in Miami?

I need to know!!! Ahh!!! This is driving me a little crazy. :lol:
It's beginning to sound to me like Rob Estes won't necessarily be making an appearance as Nick, but instead it will be Scott Powers appearing as Nick in a dream/flashback (not close enough for us to distinquish between the actors).

I can live with that rather than then trying to bring Nick back. I don't think there is a plausible way for them to do the "Nick's really alive" thing. They are known for some real eye-rolling stunts, but that one would really be too much.

Anyway, I'm over-the-top excited to see this. We've waited so long to see Natalia get some decent screentime. I just know that once TPTB and the viewers see what they've been missing, there will be no more putting Eva in the background. She's simply much too talented ... not to mention beautiful! :thumbsup:
Guys, I am now confused. So is there actually another episode which we will see where Nick (or this body-double) appear or will it all take place in Ep. Sleepless in Miami?

I need to know!!! Ahh!!! This is driving me a little crazy. :lol:
It certainly sounds like the "Nick episode" will be Sleepless in Miami. The guy did, after all, say that he was pretty sure it was the episode airing on Halloween that he'd be in. Furthermore, he mentioned a dream sequence. (And according to the episode description for Sleepless... it revolves around a guy who claims he saw a murder through a dream or something because he was drugged... which is why Natalia goes undercover in the first place, because they don't really believe him. I can only assume that she ends up drugged as well (like Eva has already confirmed in an interview) and she also experiences some kind of dream, most likely the "dream sequence" that Nick's body double is talking about.

It's beginning to sound to me like Rob Estes won't necessarily be making an appearance as Nick, but instead it will be Scott Powers appearing as Nick in a dream/flashback (not close enough for us to distinquish between the actors).

I can live with that rather than then trying to bring Nick back. I don't think there is a plausible way for them to do the "Nick's really alive" thing. They are known for some real eye-rolling stunts, but that one would really be too much.

Anyway, I'm over-the-top excited to see this. We've waited so long to see Natalia get some decent screentime. I just know that once TPTB and the viewers see what they've been missing, there will be no more putting Eva in the background. She's simply much too talented ... not to mention beautiful! :thumbsup:
Yeah, I don't think Rob is in the episode. He isn't credited, at least.
I've been thinking about it (Sleepless in Miami) and this is my guess on the episode (I've nothing to support this theory but just bear with me ;)

I think the undercover mission goes bad and the woman figures out Natalia's a cop. Thats when Nat draws the gun, but the woman hides. Nat looks really tense in that pic, like shes trying to figure out where the woman disapeared to and perhaps the woman sneeks up on Nat and injects her with the drug through a syringe or something. It takes almost instant effect and then H and Ryan find her

Only an idea, I also think the others stated above are plausible and possible.

As for the Nick thing, I think he's only gonna be in the dream(s) of Sleepless in Miami which I cannot wait for now! Nick and action for Nat, what more can a fan ask for!
This is so cool - we've had more Natalia spoilers in the last month than we've had in the past 3 seasons put together!

Hmmm, ok so we know Scott Powers is the "Ghost of Nick". Cool. Good to have clarification on that. That was actually what I was thinking would happen in 'Sleepless' is that she'd "hallucinate" that she sees Nick or is being attacked by him. I'm also thinking that when Ryan finds her, she'll think he's Nick & struggle with him, thus leading her to be wrestled to the ground, which is what it looks like to me.

I don't think it's over in the 'Sleepless' episode. They've already filmed that episode, & Scott Powers tweeted that he was on the set yesterday filming scenes -- it's for episode 9, the 200th episode.

I wonder if they're going to make us think that Natalia's gone crazy & she starts seeing Ghost!Nick everywhere. That dude said he was in the crime lab with Eva ....why would there be flashbacks of Nick & Natalia in the crime lab? :confused:

I think she might start to freak out on us, folks. :p

A little Eva news as well --
Beckstrand Cancer Foundation announced today that our beautiful Eva will serve as Nation spokesperson for them. You can read more in the link
I am trying to only read some spoilers.... as I like to have something to look foward to, but don't like to know an entire storyline/plot because I still like a little element of surprise and/or suspense. -- It's getting hard to NOT be tempted to look, esp. since I don't know which spoilers will give me too much information! lol
This is so cool - we've had more Natalia spoilers in the last month than we've had in the past 3 seasons put together!
I know, right? It's like Christmas came early this year! I'm excited for all of us Natalia fans, but I'm especially excited for Eva. She finally gets to sink her teeth into a big story for the first time in, what, three or four years? She's going to be fabulous and I'm predicting a lot of compliments from others on her performance after the episode airs. And - like someone said earlier... maybe you? - TPTB will finally realize just how much they've been underusing her talent.

I don't think it's over in the 'Sleepless' episode. They've already filmed that episode, & Scott Powers tweeted that he was on the set yesterday filming scenes -- it's for episode 9, the 200th episode.
No, it's definitely the Sleepless in Miami episode that Scott Powers filmed yesterday. He went on to tweet a bit more to the fan, saying that it was a post-production shoot - an insert. More information on these inserts can be found here at the CSI: Miami Producer's Blog. Scroll down several entries until you reach the one dated 5/11/10; it's all about inserts.
Awwww, I thought we would seeing more about her & Nick, not just in Sleepless in Miami. I find it funny why would he mention Rob Estes and why wasn't this character credited, since Nick is an important character. Guess, he is really just a 'ghost'. Lol, TPTB seems to be loving this ghost thing, isn't it?

I really hope there are more stuff still!!! Come on, this has to be our Natalia season!
I'm really relieved that this is a dream sequence cause the idea of Nick being back from the dead was not sitting too well with me to be honest.

I have to say though, the body double guy is pretty cute. :)
This is so cool - we've had more Natalia spoilers in the last month than we've had in the past 3 seasons put together!

Hmmm, ok so we know Scott Powers is the "Ghost of Nick". Cool. Good to have clarification on that. That was actually what I was thinking would happen in 'Sleepless' is that she'd "hallucinate" that she sees Nick or is being attacked by him. I'm also thinking that when Ryan finds her, she'll think he's Nick & struggle with him, thus leading her to be wrestled to the ground, which is what it looks like to me.

I don't think it's over in the 'Sleepless' episode. They've already filmed that episode, & Scott Powers tweeted that he was on the set yesterday filming scenes -- it's for episode 9, the 200th episode.

I wonder if they're going to make us think that Natalia's gone crazy & she starts seeing Ghost!Nick everywhere. That dude said he was in the crime lab with Eva ....why would there be flashbacks of Nick & Natalia in the crime lab? :confused:

I think she might start to freak out on us, folks. :p

Ooooh, I'm a little torn about this!

I mean, it would be great to see Natalia/Eva get a wonderfull oprotunity to act out the backlash of seeing Nick (the freaking out) but it sounds like something that could take Natalia out of action.

TPTB would be evil to do this! Giving us such a Nat episode and then taking her out of action for God knows how long!! :(

TPTB better not dare otherwise they'll have some mad as hell:devil: fans on their cases (AGAIN!) :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
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