Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Do we know if it is actually a fight of survival? I am leaning more towards her trying to defend herself. Well, we know Nat won't be killed and I believe Natalia woudn't kill an innocent, besides I don't think they will allow this, I hope. Not only it is not Natalia, it is not right on the show? :(

I think she has grown better as a CSI outside the lab, she has also become more experienced, learning how to take charge more but at the same time she remains the compassionate and passionate person, no question. They are putting her though some tough situations for her to grow, does this count as character development? ;)

Now that I think about it (and have recovered from my OMG factor of the episode) I think the fight won't be fatal. But it'll still make for an epic scene, specially if the killer is present.

And I agree, we're defiantly seeing Nat progress from the newbie who asked permission to check a scene or collect evidence. Now she is defiantly more confident, and has much more of a "cop" look rather than "lab tech".

It's been a nice tranfession to see, hasen't it? :)
I'm so excited for Adam Rodriguez taking on writing roles...maybe now there will actually be some constancy... seriously why do they have SO many writers/producers..etc... all of whom seem to have no clue about the history of the show...they should HAVE to watch it (ALL of it) before being allowed to work on the show.
First time I heard this. It may be a one question Q&A but I love it. She's funny smacking her own face there. :p :lol:
finally! and i feared i'm missing something. now i know from where comes 'bionic woman' stuff:lol:
i saw her hearing aid, different model type i expected, but it really explains why it's so invisible.

yeah i might sound like a weirdo but i just needed to say it:)
Thanks for the interview! I've done that before and it does not feel good at all. She looked so pretty. I really envy her. I can't wait for part 2 of the season to start! I've been looking forward to it since part 1 ended. Hopefully we get some more spoilers on the "Natalia" episode soon!!! I can't wait for it much longer! ;) Well, I hope everyone and Eva has a safe and Merry Christmas!!!! :)
Thanks for the interview! I've done that before and it does not feel good at all. She looked so pretty. I really envy her. I can't wait for part 2 of the season to start! I've been looking forward to it since part 1 ended. Hopefully we get some more spoilers on the "Natalia" episode soon!!! I can't wait for it much longer! ;) Well, I hope everyone and Eva has a safe and Merry Christmas!!!! :)

I think this whole thing will start to unravel once the second half of the season starts. I can't wait either, it's been far too long since we've had some meaty stuff for Natalia.

Happy holidays to everyone! :beer:
...and don't forget our girl's birthday coming up :)
I sure hope we get as much meaty stuff as possible esp this season, I dare not think about next.

Happy Holidays to Eva and the rest of ya! :)
Yay! Happy birthday to Eva! I hope you're having a wonderful day and may you have many more happy, wonderful birthdays to come! <3
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