EU Members: Don't forget to put your clocks forward!

Now honestly:

What exactly is this annoying putting clocks forward and backward for?
It's so annoying.
The sun goes down an hour else? That's all. I can mostly negative aspects of it.

I'd appreciate it if they just quit this thing. ^^
Yurek said:
What exactly is this annoying putting clocks forward and backward for?

Daylight Saving Time has been used in the U.S. and in many European countries since World War I. At that time, in an effort to conserve fuel needed to produce electric power, Germany and Austria took time by the forelock, and began saving daylight at 11:00 p.m. on April 30, 1916, by advancing the hands of the clock one hour until the following October. Other countries immediately adopted this 1916 action: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, and Tasmania. Nova Scotia and Manitoba adopted it as well, with Britain following suit three weeks later, on May 21, 1916. In 1917, Australia and Newfoundland began saving daylight.
I think Finland got it in...1981.

It's annoying for the first few days, but easy to get used to. Rather annoying would be if the sun would start to shine at 3:30am to your face thru the window...I rather take 4:30am (starts to belike that in May and it's annoying - especially if you've been in the bar)

I like the sun being up more in the evening... erm... soon it's up 22h/day but...still :p
JayneEmilysRealm said:
4. electricity break down at home during the night, so the alarm went off way too late

OMG that's a good one. :lol:

Aargh, I hate changing the clock. It's always so hard to get used to it..
I wish they would just leave it and not bother with changing it again at the end of the year (putting the clocks back). Not only does it benefit farmers but also the fire bridge and police in the UK would prefer it as it cuts down on accidents.
lol, you seriously think it's just because of farmers?

As Dynamo stated earlier, it saves energy and I seriously don't know what's the big deal, you get used to it pretty soon. It's not a big thing. I mean, if you can't - how can you ever travel? You won't ever survive from jetlag or anything.
I thought it was just the US and Canada that set the clocks back and forward. We did it a few weeks back, but my computer clock is still the same, so it says it's an hour before what time it really is. :lol: I like fall better, an extra hour of sleep.
DaWacko said:
lol, you seriously think it's just because of farmers?

As Dynamo stated earlier, it saves energy and I seriously don't know what's the big deal, you get used to it pretty soon. It's not a big thing. I mean, if you can't - how can you ever travel? You won't ever survive from jetlag or anything.

I don't think it's just to do with farmers and I don't have a problem with it. It's the same debate about it every year. I do think there are more serious reasons why we shouldn't have to keep changing. I personally think it should be left as it is now and not go back an hour at the end of the year.