Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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That is a beautiful pic, Ali! Makes me squee a little. Or well, more than a little. Ryan's looking straight into Eric's eyes, and they're just about standing in each other's personal space. Hee! :D

I absolutely love the thread title "Soooo doing it!" I swear I think that exact phrase pretty much every time I watch some of the extra-special HB scenes. I mean, just LOOK at that chemistry! They are sooo doing it.
:D I love that pic! Actually, I love that whole episode. It's so great. We need more episodes like that. :lol: Kind of silly, with lots of Hardy Boys scenes. I think at that part, they were talking about the victim and her boyfriend (?) having burial plots and Ryan was like "They already have burial plots?" (And what makes it even better is Eric's response: "It's what happy couples do.") And yes, I have seen that episode way too many times to be considered healthy. :p

Thread titles. Yes, I like 'Soooo doing it' too. Because they are. ;) I mean, come on... who else wears matching colors like 95% of the time? Especially when they're matching in pink. That's just begging for people to think they're together.

What really bothers me is that since the scene where Ryan talked to Eric about his mistake and Eric got defensive, they haven't had a single scene together. That was three episodes ago. :rolleyes: Maybe the writers are trying to make us think that the tension is back?
Thanks for the picture Ali! like it very much. :)
yes, we need a new thread title soon. like the suggestions.

I saw 'Dead Air' tonight and wow, it was full of tension.
Now I know what you're talking about.
Eric was sooo jealous and angry.
I didn't like it that he snapped at Eric though (I mean at the end of the episode, before Ryan goes to Valera). Ryan looked a little bit confused and also a little bit hurt, like, 'What's wrong now'? :(
He's so oblivious. :rolleyes:
At the end of the episode where Eric looked after Ryan and Natalia, he looked so hurt and sad. :(
They need someone who sets them up. :p

Hm, no new scene between them?
I hope they don't bring the awful Season 3 tension back. :rolleyes:
I like the ep Silecer because this is where we first get the name 'The Hardy Boys' for Eric and Ryan....

Ryan:*reading the blog* The Hardy boys were just here, i guess that's us, the guys are bummed but the girls are esxcited because one of them looks like Arod,Hey Arod*he playfully punches Eric's arm*
Eric:yeah, i get that all the time
Ryan:yiu never get Ricky Martin?
Eric:*annoyed* no....
*Eric reads the rest of the blog*
Eric:and the other looks like Jake "Gill-en-hall"
Ryan:actually it's "Jill-en-hall" he's a big movie star...
Eric:so that explains the movie star get up *he lauhgs*
Ryan:actually it's the eyes. i get it all the time...
*they laugh*
inge said:
At the end of the episode where Eric looked after Ryan and Natalia, he looked so hurt and sad. :(
They need someone who sets them up. :p

Oo, now there's an idea! Who would set them up? Alexx, Calleigh? Maybe they're kind of obvious? Maybe Horatio or Frank would get so fed up with the tension that they would force them together in some way to fight it out or resolve in some other way. What's the weirdest way they could be set up?

Tell you what... Make a suggestion about a way to get them set up together, something weird and wonderful, and I'll write a fic for the best suggestion. Be creative and imaginative. How's that? :D :p It'll have to be a fairly tame fic if I'm going to link to it from here, however.

I like Silencer too. They're soooo together! Maybe not really a couple yet, but damn well getting there! :devil: :p
Creative and imaginative, eh? For some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is like some sort of 'office dating pool' (only not, because that would probably be discouraged/unethical or whatever)... but something like 'win a dinner for you and a colleague, get to know each other outside of work in order to help your teamwork during work.' And then it would be rigged. It would all have been an enormous set-up, just to get Eric and Ryan together. Hee. :D
OMG you have to write that!!!!!!!!! What a great plot bunny!!!!!! *feeds the bunny cookies so it'll bite harder!*

After last night's episode, I think I'm going to need to start seeing a grief counsellor! :( :mad: Spoilers ahead!!!!!
I can't believe they FIRED RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't sleep and I haven't been able to eat...Why??????? I think the writers need to be lit on fire next time they do something so stupid!!!!!!!
quickbeam_cw said:
something like 'win a dinner for you and a colleague, get to know each other outside of work in order to help your teamwork during work.' And then it would be rigged. It would all have been an enormous set-up, just to get Eric and Ryan together. Hee. :D
Yes. It could be a ploy to deal with the tension that had built up between them. Their co-workers couldn't deal with the pair of them at each other's throats any more, so they set up a dinner as a blind date. Because Eric and Ryan wouldn't go if they knew. Hmmm. *turns it over in mind* I'll have to play with that idea.

I can't believe they fired Ryan either. I don't know what he did that was so much worse that what anyone else has done. There's going to be some big tension now with Ryan on the other side, as it were. I'm not averse to tension, but I really don't want them to hate each other.

I think I heard that Ryan gets re-hired. I wonder what that will do to his relationship with Eric. If Eric's so mad with Ryan when he takes the job with the TV station, he'll be super-mad when Ryan comes back. *kicks writers*
I'm not sure how everything will affect the relationship between the three CSI's. I mean, Ryan and Eric were getting along fine and now this... the writers can't just let our boys have a healthy friendship *coughrelationshipcough*, there always has to be tension.

The tension was nice, but I like the think that they've both matured enough and have gotten to know each other well enough to understand each other and let the tension behind them.

You can't keep hating each other and having a hate/love relationship can be very tiring. I'd like to see them friends, for a whole season, as friends that would be nice

because friendly moments can have deeper meanings too :p
Eric should confront Ryan about the gambling thing. Maybe he would tell Eric the truth behind it. Of course they would fight at the beginning, but then Ryan would break down and Eric has to comfort him. :D

I hope they don't fight too much in the next episodes. :(
I have the feeling that no one of his 'friends' is there for Ryan. He lost his job and he loves his job very much (but Eric even more ;)) and they should care for him and should support him (after giving him a slap on the back of his head for lying to Horatio).

I'm also excited to see the Eric's reaction that Ryan isn't working for the lab anymore.
I'm sure he's soo sad, because now he can't see him every day. :(
of course, he doesn't admit it and so he snapped at Ryan to hide his true feelings. :rolleyes:
I hope things work out...because i'm sick of all this tension between them!!!!!!! and i hope that Eric confronts Ryan about it and then we learn about Ryan's past. i also want them to work his tattoo into this somehow and i think they could at this point because his tattoo is based on the joker from a deck of cards. and here's a pic to get rid of some of that tension...
I think that Ryan would be very defensive about having lost that much money. He's very sensitive about mistakes he's made - gets really embarrassed about them - so he'd probably be aggressive to Eric if Eric tried to talk to him about it. And Eric would probably be aggressive back, because that's how they react to each other. :rolleyes: It would take a break-down to get past that aggression, I think.

BTW, that idea you came up with, quickbeam ... I sketched out an outline for that story yesterday. That could well turn into a 3 or 4 chapter fic. I'll see if I can start writing it next week. I'll link to it from here when (and if - I don't like to count my bunnies before they're written) it's posted. Thanks for the idea. :D

That is a lovely pic, Need4Speed . I really like the colours on it, and I like the original of that pic. The way they're both looking towards us makes them look so together. Matching outfits too! :p
Ryan would definitely be defensive, like Ali said. He's so used to having people yet at him for his mistakes - especially Eric - that he wouldn't want anybody know, and on the off-chance they found out, he wouldn't talk about it unless he broke down. Like when Eric got defensive to Ryan about his mistake. Ryan was just trying to sympathize, but Eric didn't see it that way.

I love the pic, Need4Speed. They look so good together. :p :D
They do look good together. it's like they were made for each other!!!! and i can't wai t to see if there are any Hardy Boy moments in the new ep. i really would like to see Eric confroint Ryan about the gambling.
There is going to be a scene between them. I've seen the promo and there's a v short clip of Ryan reacting to Eric. It's sad. I don't know how much more time they get together. I have a bad feeling about it. :(
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