Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

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Great caps, I'm drooling all over my keyboard! Must be bad weather day, I woke up to a thunderstorm and its still pretty cloudy.
LoneWolfe, I love the freckles too!! I'll try and dig some out and post them for you. :)

Thanks for everyone playing the theme! Runners up are:

Yoshi, soft lighting, a contemplative Greg...*sigh*
Dizzney, I love this cap for so many reasons, not least of which it reminds me of my college days!
Jacquie, I love the pose, and have always loved the t-shirt, it's a favourite of mine.
Stokes4Me, I love the rainy day and it's not often you see Greg in a cap. Lovely
starzsgirl, I love it! He really is cheeky and this cap says it all!

That makes the winner Wojo, because you know I have a thing for his hands and your caption...yup, I'd follow him anywhere!

Enjoy your time with our man! Oh, be warned, he may ask you to sew on a button or two...:lol:
Well, it was so nice to come home from work and find This handsome guy waiting for me! Thanks egeria!

New theme, not so new really. I've been watching old eps of CSI and realized how much I miss Grissom so I'm keeping with Greg with another CSI theme but this time I want to only see caps of Greg with Grissom. Up to 12 in 24!
I think Greg has the cutest freckles out there. Does anyone have any close ups of those freckles.

Here's a fabulous cap that Stokes4Me posted once. Gorgeous closeup and the freckles...:drool:
Another fabulous close up
The freckles are yummy :adore:

Ugh, I could not get on this board last night. It was driving me nuts. :lol:

Grissom looking at him like he is crazy

I had the same problem this morning. I was nearly panicking!

That cap. THUD!!
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