Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

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Thank u Egeria !!! Sigh, that was just adorable. Those freckles are just .....kissable.I would map each one. LOL (I know I sound love struck).

Did anyone post pics of Greg & Grissom, where Griss asks Greg to fill a container with bodily fluids. LOL
Thanks Ankeila!

I enjoyed my time with Greg, now its time he moved on to another lucky winner, I'll miss him.

Runners up:

Ankeila - Mildew One of my fave scenes! Nice feet!

starsgirl - #3 Nice scene

egeria -Look behind you Always loved this scene. Honerable mention to your FannySmackin cap too.

Dizzney - Eight Cool in shades

And the winner is...Jacquie - One Gregs last moments with Grissom. Your turn to pick a new theme and enjoy 24 hrs with Greg!
Greg has just shown up and looking mighty handsome as always :) Thanks Wojo :) I did like that last scene with Greg and Grissom as well :)

New theme. Lets have pictures of Greg with Nick but what is Greg saying to Nick. You can also use Eric and George pics. A maximum of 12 theme pics in about 26 hours. Happy hunting while I entertain my guest :)
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