Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

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Oh my word you guys have me weak at the knees with my heart pounding and I can't breathe and OMG.

Stokes4Me you made me jealous of a mug. *whimper*
starzsgirl Perfect cap of perfect lips
Wojo Even when they're bruised they're beautiful.

Oh lordy did I ever waffle between the next two. If only you could both win!

Yoshi, I'm as mesmerized now as when I first saw this cap but I had to go with Dizzney, because I've never wanted to literally crawl into my screen until now. Your pic left me speechless for longer than I care to admit!

So Dizz, have fun with Greg! He's a little worse for wear but I'm sure you'll revive him soon enough!! :lol:
Oh goodness...imagine my surprise coming home and seeing this hottie waiting for me after work. Thanks egeria!

Okay while I have fun with Greg the next 24 hours, you all can post photos and create your own witty captions for Greggo. :)
Well I had a lovely day with Greg today. He gave me a belated bday gift. :D I must say the poor guy is worn out now though. ;)

Alas he must move on. You all came up with some funny ones. Loved them. But my favorites are as follows...
egeria, Hey Dizzney...join me for a drink? oh how I would love to. :)

Wojo, Man if I were off duty right now :lol: funny.

Yoshi , Griss I wish you'd keep them racin' roaches under lock and key!-another funny one. :lol:

But my favorite is... Winner Stokes4Me, As soon as I mention those little bombs, he's off...?
:guffaw: Enjoy your time with Greg!
Oh wow!:D Thank you Dizzney for giving Greg away to me!:hugegrin: I was having a not so nice day but getting this man in my possession for the next 24+ hrs was a welcomed relief! :)*doing happy dance*:)

So a new theme? I want to see those lashes, those extremely beautiful, long, lushes, lashes....*sigh*....:adore:
If you find it too difficult to find such pics then just go with anything facial: eyes, mouth, nose, stubble....I am not fussed at all:lol:

Up to 12 in 24+ hrs, thanks! Happy hunting!
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