Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

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I know that last photo of him sitting down in the white shirt is So hot :drool: They are from the TV Guide shoot.
Those beach pics are hot (especially the last one). I think I have that third one from the tv guide, but the rest I'd never seen.
Dizzney what image of beauty is this before me? Is my vision full of madness? Can an image of such beauty be real?

As shakespear once said, something about desiring too much of a good thing (As you like it)... Sadly he never sore the hotness the awesome body of beauty that is commonly known to as Eric Szmanda or Greg Sanders depending on where you stand/sit/laydown/breathe!

WOW, more more I must have more (please!?)
That last TVGuide beach pic is now my computer background! I can't stop staring at it. Love all the new avi's, I knew they'd be coming!!

Also nice ones bookgirl!
Of course we all had to make new avi's with such wonderful new photos of him. :D

Yeah the last one is my icon on another site. :)
Those caps from Kiss Kiss Bye Bye... I'm melting, melting, melting again. And of course it's Dizz's fault - like always, right?:lol:

MsCB - thanks for randoms. Great that like you new avies:)
ohhh many many hot pics on our Greggo/Eric. I can look at pics of him all day long and there can't be to many pics of him.

Thank you all so much for posting pics, I have some on my other computer I will try and post them when I have the energy to turn that computer on. :lol: ;)
We need more recent pics :( Do a photoshoot would you, Eric? Just for the sheer hell of it? Set up a camera and tripod in your bedroom and let yourself go :p
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