Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

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I still can't believe we have to wait two more weeks for the new episode. I'm having withdrawls here. :lol: The newest pics we've seen of him were clips from the promos.
Well technically we have seen a lot of him recently in the erockster videos...they are just videos and not photos.
Is it to much to hope for that the new season will at least have a shirtless Greg *sighs*

Wonder what Greg/Eric's new hairdo will be? I hope he goes backto his bonde locks or spikes. What if he became a redhead?
Well technically we have seen a lot of him recently in the erockster videos...they are just videos and not photos.

True. But I want some new promos...

LoneWolfe, I'm sure one thing - his hairstyle will be similiar to one from the last season so short hair. Colour? Who knows?

MsCB, thanks for randoms. We all need CSI now:lol:
If you want to see current Eric...go to the other Eric thread and watch the Erockster video.
OOh good Wojo, you were fast doing that. I was going to do one but you beat me to it. :lol:
It makes me wonder if we will see him wearing their logo t-shirt (like in that photo) sometime on CSI under a jacket...hmmmmm.
Yeah, it's interesting. We need to look at him even more carefully than usual:lol: Seriously, I think it's very possible.
I do too, because it does not say what it is on the front, but us fans would know just by seeing it he was representing the website.
Yay, Yoshi left some goodies! Thanks:D

Snagged all:drool:

BTW, you know that I know that you have more, so stop lurking, just share with us all your collection of caps:devil:
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