Wojo, sorry to hear about your cat. It is so hard loosing a pet that you've had for a long time. I still miss our dog, Sasha that died 2 years ago. She was the best dog we ever had.
Hope these help a little. Smile 1 Cockeyed smile Pleased smile My favorite smile Devilish smile
Hi Wojo. I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. What was his or her name? Sorry I don't have any pictures to post, but I just wanted to extend my sincere sympathy to you on the loss of your cat. Cats are great creatures. I have a nine-year-old all black cat named Panther. I feel your pain.
I am sorry for your loss Wojo while I don't have pictures, I understand they maybe pets but they are family and I know I would miss any of my cats, or my dog the same as I would if it were my sibling.
Hiya Guys,
Haven't been here in a while needs to catch up...Sorry about your cat Wojo ...Like I mentioned in the other thread I love cats I'm just allergic to them Hope everything goes okay for you ...
Okay some random pics to hopefully cheer you up...