Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

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Greggo got here safe and sound.:)

Now if I'd just come up with some interesting theme to get people playing...
Okay, I'll try this one. Since the cast is probably finishing the shooting for this season soon, how about we help Eric with his vacation plans? Post pictures of the things Eric could be doing in the summer. 12 in about 29.
I'm finally here! :)I got so caught up doing this essay I need to return today, that I completely forgot this.

Well, it seems like I'll be sending Greg to Dizzney. This one is my favorite. Congrats!
Hopefully there will be more players next round.
Well thanks for sending him my way again. We can watch tonight's new CSI together. :lol:

For the new theme, I want pics of Eric/Greg with someone else...anyone. Personally this is one of my faves. :drool:

12 in about 24....please play if you can!
Thank goodness Greg was here when I got home, I'm very tired and my little brother is getting on my last nerve :scream:

*Greg tells me to calm down* *I do* Anyway moving on, we're also planning on rewatching last night's ep :)

In honor of the leather jacket from last night :drool: let's use the words LEATHER :)

12 in 24 :)
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Sorry we're a little late, Greg stayed for dinner :)

Runner up is Dizzney, I like these two caps

Greg smiling, sunglasses are always great too! :thumbsup: And another leather jacket and long crazy spikes :drool:
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