Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

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I haven't been feeling well, haven't visited here since Wed! But these caps are making me feel better.
Get well soon Wojo :)

Thank goodness Greg is here, he can help me get through the rest of the week cause due to the snow I'm stuck in the house most of week with my brother and sister :eek::scream:

For the next theme, how about some thought bubbles and/or captions, I could use a good laugh to help get my mind off the weather :)

12 in 24 :)
Director Jeffrey Hunt has been busy posting pictures from the set on his Twitter acct. Today he's sharing a picture of Eric and himself :)
Thanks for the pic Jacquie :)

Alrighty then, who's the winner

Dizzney is up first with "Is he still behind me? He gives me the creeps." :lol: Goes along with pic quite nicely and I love that bird and yeah it does look like he might be ordering a pizza :)

Next up AmericanHoney, Well maybe YOU shouldn't have bet on the Eagles! :lol: That's funny, again the pic and cap go together well, reminds me of Man Up last week and you win with Just because you came to the dark side doesn't mean you get our cookies. We just said we HAD them.Good one :thumbsup:

Congrats :)

How about for the next theme, since I'm feeling lazy this week, some tee shirt pics. Extra points for super relaxed looks or messy hair. :lol: 12 in about 25.
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