Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #11

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Well I had a really nice day with Greggo but now it is time for him to move on. :D

The runners up:
LionsHeart, I like the red carpet, blue water and whitish looking sky in this one. Nice choice.

egeria, Nice red, white and blue theme with the pins coloring by the lights. And of course his smirk. :)

The winner is....
AmericanHoney Nice that your mark is red, white and blue, but this one really wins due to the eyes, eyelashes, lips, nose...:drool: Enjoy your win!
What a wonderful thing to wake up to on such a gloomy day! Thanks Dizzney!!

Since it's been rainy and cloudy here for the last few days how about some smiling Eric/Greg/OC pics to pass the time. :)
Well, it looks like I'll have a guest for dinner :) thank you AmericanHoney

hmm... next theme I want pics of Greg/Eric/etc. in the sunshine cause it's pretty cloudy here :(

12 in 24
:wtf: Oh wait. Everyone must be sleeping from all the partying they did yesterday right? :thumbsup:

I'll admit, all week I was on edge waiting and waiting for some type of news. I would check online and nothing. I was getting seriously depressed . :)

...and some sun. At least someone is getting it although today doesn't look too gloomy here.

woah mama. Hot--all around. :adore:
hydration, hydration, hydration
To really turn up the heat, add arm porn and enjoy.
time to pass on our boy, we've been celebrating that he's staying :D:D

AmericanHoney with a good ol beach shot, gotta love em and of course the arm porn :drool: I'm praying for chest porn in season 11 :devil::drool:

but the winner is LionsHeart with one from Monte Carlo, he's all smiles and full of sunshine :thumbsup: and another from Gum Drops I love the jacket, jeans, and stripes

congrats :)
I finally got a good nights sleep and then I woke up to find Eric sleeping in my couch. So I've had a very good morning so far.

For the next theme, give me pics of Greg/Eric with something blue in them. 12 in about 24.
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