Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D :D :D :D
sorry, i'm hyper as usual. it's tuesday. that's like equvalent to a full moon to werewolves for us :D :lol:

guess what???????? PAGE 21!!!!!!!!! :D :lol:
lmao! :D
we can't calm down! you are just toooooo hot! :lol:
i'm supposed to be revising too. my mum is moaning at me to "stop fantasising about greg and do some damn revision!" :D :D :lol: hahaha
csimonkey said:
"stop fantasising about greg and do some damn revision!" :D :D :lol: hahaha

He he he, brillient yup that been me pritty much all of today aswell :lol: can I take it that means your GCSEs are coming up (or Alevels) I think they should have a 'How hot is greggo' paper, I'm sure we'd Ace that and our revision would simply consist of daydreaming and watching CSI YAY :D

'Are you talking about me ladys?'
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