Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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Welcome Kassie, Since you are new like any new person we need to advise you (heads up) about posting pictures, there are some rules located on the first page/first post of this thread that you should look into. ;) Also for more help there is the "Help Guide" Located at the top of this (LV) Forum.

Again Welcome, have fun, and Thank you.
Welcome Kassie hope you like it hear and thanks for the pictures they're great, especially the last one thats my favorite Eric pic ever :D

Hey guys, soz i havn't posted in AGES things have been so hectic and then my computer decided to die on me (had to wipe the hard drive) so now all pics are in the wrong place and I was wondering if ppl could help me identify these pics (episode and series) so i can restore them to where they should be. Thanks :)

Pic 1

pic 2

pic 3

pic 4

pic 5

pic 8
pic 6

pic 7

It would really help if you know where these are from but don't worry if you don't know, just enjoy the pics :p
Thank you for the welcome SwamiCSIaholic. I wish I could help with your pics, but I never really pay attention to the episode names, just the episode itself. But gods does Greg have the most kissable lips or what? *melts*
Welcome Kassie Great pics that last one is fav of as well.

Swami, I'm pretty sure pic 5 is from Who Shot Sherlock, Season 5, pic 4 looks like Season 6 or 7 not sure episode, but most of them look like Season 5 judging from Greg's hair. if that helps.
Welcome Kassie! :D


Pic 4 is definitely from epi 6x15 'Pirates of the Third Reich'.I just posted another pic from that epi somewhere else. :D
Pic 6 is from epi 4x17. I don't know the name.
Pic 1 could be from 4x16. I got the same pic, but I'm not really sure. It's got '416..' in it's title. :D
Pic 3 is from season 5, but I don't know from which epi. Could be 5x01 'Viva las Vegas', because he's wearing a similar shirt.
I think Pic 2 could be from season 4 or 5. I've seen this pic so often, but I don't know from which epi. ^^

Cheap shopping, eh? :lol:
Looks like a schoolboy! :D
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