Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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very nice, he looks so seriously sexy!

And debje is right Kiss,kiss,bye,bye is not only one of the best Greg episodes but one of the best CSI eps ever!!
You'll love it.
Hey all, if you haven't checked it out already, I'm putting together a valentine's day scrapbook for Eric. The project details are posted on the "Leggo my Greggo" thread, which if you click on my sig banner below, it will take you directly there if you're interested.
I so cant wait to see the new epi of CSI, it's playing at my house 2night. . .
I really, really, really hope that I dont have to go somewhere when it is on. . .
If I have to go somewhere at the time that the new epi is playing, I am gonna be very effing pissed. . .

I cant believe that Cath would set-up a fake crime scene. . Cath has been really disappointing lately, sad. *sigh*
At least Grego is still there, I would die if Grego ended up having to leave. . .

*sad dream*
I dreamt last night that Grego had to leave because of some reason that I dont remember, but it was VERY effing sad. . .
It was so sad that I woke up with my pillow wet with tears. . . It was funny{the soaked pillow part} but it sucked ass. . .
pardon my language

*Edited: As stated below spoilers do not belong In these threads but rather either the "Spoiler lab" or that episodes discussion thread. I have put in a spoiler tag, but please remember what "TallyHo" has said in the next post in the future.*
Hi wolfe_luv1. Welcome to this Forum. This particular thread is dedicated to the posting of images of Greg/Eric and discussions pertaining to these images.

There is an established thread for discussions without images for Greg/Eric called "Leggo My Greggo...". Just now this thread is on Page 2 of this forum. In addition there are also established threads for discussion of the current episode and for any spoilers, so if you would like to post commentary pertaining to either one, please use these threads.

Thank you. :)
I hope you like this pic. He is so huggable in that jacket! :D

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