Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

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Following the trace
Greetings to all you Eric/Greg fans, and welcome to the Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15 . You can find the previous thread and latest discussions HERE in thread #14.

As usual, we would like for you to keep in mind the general rules and guidelines of the board. Here is a link to the CSI: LV help guide for those that maybe new or for those who would just like to refresh themselves.

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate in asking either Smokey or myself. One of us are usually not to far away.

The main thing is to respect the rules, respect each other and to respect each others opinions...oh, and of course to have FUN. :thumbsup:

So let me be the first to say congratulations on the new thread...and let the conversations continue!
A new thread. Brilliant. Thanks DJRideout.

I've been watching re-runs of all the seasons, and he hasn't changed much at all has he? Well, he's not so crazy these days in Season Ten...pity, I liked his crazy side.
Yeah we are on thread 15. Now if only the writers could see the Greg the way we see him and give him more respect.
Yay, new thread! Thanks, DJ. :)

I'm hoping he'll be in the next ep a lot to make up for not being there much in the past two episodes. :lol: Greg/Eric has a pretty nice-sized fanbase and we love to see him just as much as fans of others love to see them. I do agree though that for the most part this season has been pretty good screentime wise for Greg/Eric. :)
Yay, new thread! Thanks, DJ. :)

I'm hoping he'll be in the next ep a lot to make up for not being there much in the past two episodes. :lol: Greg/Eric has a pretty nice-sized fanbase and we love to see him just as much as fans of others love to see them. I do agree though that for the most part this season has been pretty good screentime wise for Greg/Eric. :)

He has many fans who love him to pieces. I wonder if he realises how lucky he is :luvlove:

I loved him from the very beginning of CSI. Loved his geeky charm :) along with some of his mad hairstyles and the crazy shirts!
Yay, new thread! Thanks, DJ. :)

Not a problem. :) I didn't want all you Eric/Greg fans to gang up on me by closing up one thread and not having the next one ready to go. I'm a fragile and sensitive being. :lol:

And just to follow suit here seeing as I am in the thread, I'll go ahead and say that I am pleased with the screen time Greg has gotten so far this season. Sure it's not nearly enough as the rest of you would all like, but judging by previous seasons, this season has been generous to him. It's just to bad that tptb still can't grasp the concept of equal screen time to all main characters. What happened to the supposed "family" theme?

As for an episode written around Greg's character? I will agree that it's long LONG overdue.
Not a problem. :) I didn't want all you Eric/Greg fans to gang up on me by closing up one thread and not having the next one ready to go. I'm a fragile and sensitive being. :lol:
:guffaw: Fragile and sensitive...oh you silly one. :lol: Thanks for starting the new thread anyway.

Yep we are definitely due for a Greg-centric episode where he is not beaten, blown up, or on trial. :rolleyes:
Thank you so much, DJRideout, oh most fragile and sensitive being :lol:! How nice to have a shiney and new thread for our favorite handsome guy!

I agree Dizzney, a Greg-isode:) where he is not in any kind of peril would rock, and is long over due, IMO.

TPTB-More Greg, please and thank you! (If only that worked:lol:!!)
I agree guys. We're in sheer desperation for a Greg-isode. I shall be a happy bunny if that does arise. :D

Also, I found something regarding Mr. Szmanda. It's the film "Kamikaze Beethoven"

Kamikaze Beethoven

enjoy! :)
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Wow, great find! I'm amazed we never heard about this little short film. I do love seeing Eric in a different role. Very cool! And it is a good message to send out too!
Yeah it is when he had his hair longer and it is all curly looking when it was messy. I like. :lol:
Thanks, LasVegasCSI, I had never even heard of that one! I agree Dizzney, always nice to see our good lookin' man in a new role:)!
Looks like it was filmed during season 7 of CSI but his hair. Funny how we can judge something by his hairstyle...except for the last 3 years now, it has been the same pretty much.
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