Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Welcome to the Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #11!!

Previous threads can be found here:

Links no longer available due to Cleanup: Parts 1 thru 7

Part 8,
Part 9
Part 10

For those of us who love talking about the sexiest and funniest CSI on TV and the actor who portrays him so well.

"Please remember to respect each others opinions, please don't violate the PG-13 rule. Remember there are minors on board."

Most importantly, have fun!!
YAY! New Thread I'm first to post sweet!!!

*passes around cookies and milk*

Congrats on #11!! :D :D Thanks for opening it Wojo

Wow a new thread already??? :eek: :eek: Seems like the last one was just opened!

Thanks for the cookies Sophia *brushes crumbs off desk*!
Yipee! Another new thread. There is never too much Greg love to spread around. :D
Have you ever wondered what profession Greg's parents are in? I you think his mother was a stay at home wife and mother, or did she work outside the home? If she did work outside the house, I wonder what her job was/is? Maybe she was a teacher?

Also, about the only thing we know about Greg's dad is that he liked to take Greg sailing when he was a kid. I'd like to also know what his profession was/is. Anyone care to guess?
I could imagine Greg's mom was a stay at home mom. He said in Fannysmackin' that he was never allowed out of her sight and he was taken to the ER for the slightest things.
I'm not sure what Pa Sanders job would be. Hmm it's a thinker.
Who do you think Greg looks more like - his mum or dad?
Hey new thread !

I wonder it,too. Here is a theory : Greg is talking about Nana and Papa Olaf... He should had time with them a lot , so i think his parents should be working , should be very busy and maybe his grandparents were looking after him when he was a child :p His mum is a teacher? I liked that idea,my mum is a retired teacher and also very protective.Arrr it is really annoying sometimes! Anyway what was the subject? :lol: Ok his dad... Well i guess he travels a lot.I don't why i think like that.Who travels? A pilot(No ,my dad is not a pilot). That's my guess.
I checked the Ultimate CSI book I have but it does not say anything about his parents professions, However it does say that Greg went to a private school for gifted students. Private schools are usually expensive so that means his parents or father must have made a good living.
I forgot Greg was a prodigy child. His dad must have been highly paid for him to be able to go. Maybe his parents both worked like someone posted and he stayed with his grandparents. I would love to see younger Greg winding up Papa Olaf while Nana Olaf just baked cookies.
Hiya Guys,

I was just watching "You Kill Me" a few minutes ago (we're a little behind in the UK) and I just wanted to ask what your thoughts were on the "yeah, whatever" comment in that scene with Grissom in the hallway...I know you may have discussed it before but I jsut wanna ask why do think he said that??
Greg's parentsprobably had nice paying jobs to afford the school or they had gotten scholarships. So since they were working a lot then young Greg spent a lot of time with his grandparents. Sort of like a second set of parents.

As for the comment in "You Kill Me" some thoughts were that he had a bad night and just the way the answer slipped out. Another was he was angry about Sara leaving and Grissom not going after. Since it's not touched on later (sorry to spoil it) we never really did find out, sadly.
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