Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

New name?

  • My destiny in your hands...

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • A Ho No Mo' so let's get nekkid

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Between us

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Because I feel for you

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Do it for us

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • It's No Longer 'You' And 'Me', But 'Us'

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Even nuns want to see some action!

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Without you I wouldn't know what to do

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • 80% Hotness By Volume

    Votes: 4 7.4%

  • Total voters
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somethingsdont - this is an official warning for flamming/Bashing. What you posted here was extremely insulting and does not belong on the board.
We have rules in this forum and one of them is:
~ It is NEVER appropriate to flame or bash another poster or group of posters. Negative comments and snide remarks towards others will not be tolerated in this forum.
You know what's extremely insulting? The fact that this chick thinks she can wander in here and cook up a mound of crap and expect everyone to just sit back and shove it down our throats and thank her for the delicious excrement she's produced.

I don't care if you wave your fancy mod stick in my face. I don't even care if you manage to get me banned for "flamming." You follow your rules of the forum and I'll follow my rules of general Internet etiquette, which includes not making up fake babies and not pretending like you've succumbed to cancer so you can start anew once everyone figures out you're a liar. Maybe you should deliver an "official warning" to Marionette for being a good-for-nothing faker. Wasn't it this board that banned user tuesdaymorning? Let's all reach into our memory banks now. Anyone else smell hypocrisy? Yeah, I have nothing to be sorry for.

Bottom line: you can't get respect if you've done nothing to earn it, and Marionette has done nothing but toy with the emotions of some other users here. I can and will be nice if you do your job and deal with blatant fakers when they've been pointed out, rather than jump down my throat for being understandably pissed that she's completely and utterly making a joke out of the collective intelligence of this thread.

By the way, I'm not even the only one who is frustrated with what's happened to this thread and the leadership in general, but I am willing to risk my account to make a point of it. Insta-bans are neat, and I'm sure everyone will forget about this in two days either way, so let's get it on.

Haha, again? No way. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Ugh, I miss the old board. Remember how nice the other Lucy was about the whole thing the first time, even though I was equally rude?
somethingsdont, I understand where you're coming from with your anger and frustration towards this person, but bringing it into this thread is disruptive and off topic. I realize it's upsetting to be lied to, and I sympathize with your situation more than you probably realize, having experienced something similar. However, rules are rules, and when you signed up to post here, you agreed to follow them.

The situation is being looked at behind the scenes--any accusations like this have to looked into very carefully. For now, I'd recommend using the 'ignore user' option and not interacting with this poster. Please don't derail this thread any further; if you want to add anything to what you've already said, please send me a PM.

And in the future, if you disagree with something a moderator has said or done, please take the matter up with them politely. CSI_Kat was only doing her job, and didn't deserve anger in response.

Let's get back on topic, folks. Thanks. :)

You know what's extremely insulting? The fact that this chick thinks she can wander in here and cook up a mound of crap and expect everyone to just sit back and shove it down our throats and thank her for the delicious excrement she's produced.

I don't care if you wave your fancy mod stick in my face. I don't even care if you manage to get me banned for "flamming." You follow your rules of the forum and I'll follow my rules of general Internet etiquette, which includes not making up fake babies and not pretending like you've succumbed to cancer so you can start anew once everyone figures out you're a liar. Maybe you should deliver an "official warning" to Marionette for being a good-for-nothing faker. Wasn't it this board that banned user tuesdaymorning? Let's all reach into our memory banks now. Anyone else smell hypocrisy? Yeah, I have nothing to be sorry for.

Bottom line: you can't get respect if you've done nothing to earn it, and Marionette has done nothing but toy with the emotions of some other users here. I can and will be nice if you do your job and deal with blatant fakers when they've been pointed out, rather than jump down my throat for being understandably pissed that she's completely and utterly making a joke out of the collective intelligence of this thread.

By the way, I'm not even the only one who is frustrated with what's happened to this thread and the leadership in general, but I am willing to risk my account to make a point of it. Insta-bans are neat, and I'm sure everyone will forget about this in two days either way, so let's get it on.

Haha, again? No way. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Ugh, I miss the old board. Remember how nice the other Lucy was about the whole thing the first time, even though I was equally rude?
I've sent you a PM, but I just want to clarify that I had no external contact with this person and never became friends with her. It wasn't a personal issue with me, just an ethical one.

Okay, let's re-rail this thread.

hiphugger17 - I totally agree. It was the most useless promo ever. Not that I was surprised, because Miami always does that.

About the Jake thing, I hope it isn't a breakup/goodbye kiss like some were saying a little earlier, just because those can get kind of sleazy and Calleigh already has enough emotional baggage. ;)
SomewhereApart - I haven't seen the break room since that hurricane episode back in season 2! They really should take some time away from the glitz and glamor and give the CSIs some down time. That just reminded me of Miranda Fox's fic, Purple Skittles, which I was re-reading the other day. If anyone hasn't read it yet, go fix that immediately. PS: Have fun in Jamaica!


I love this picture.
^^ you shouldn't have doubts yet because the season hasn't started yet and so we still have to see what the writers have in store for us; we have to be hopeful. Promos are always taken out of context and are very misleading. I personally think that after the season premiere good E/C moments are ahead for us :)
Jennifer - I love that look. It compliments the I-want-to-marry-you look quite well:


No giving up hope when all the stars are aligned! I'm kind of excited to see what the EC department has in store for us this season. Also, please yes to more Valera!
^^ you shouldn't have doubts yet because the season hasn't started yet and so we still have to see what the writers have in store for us; we have to be hopeful. Promos are always taken out of context and are very misleading. I personally think that after the season premiere good E/C moments are ahead for us :)

I agree, carolinam91. Promos have habits of taking things extremely out of context. (Remember that time when the promo told us that Calleigh was going to be a victim in "Born to Kill"? Or that time Calleigh was "getting married"? Or that time Horatio being extradited was supposed to be a big deal but only lasted 3 minutes of screen time? Yeah. Miami has a record for being a bit... misleading?

There should be some E/C moments in the premiere. After all, they need to be united in their frustrated glaring at Ryan for being in on the Horatio not actually being shot thing and not telling them. (The promo pics don't lie. Or, at least, I think they aren't PhotoShoped.)

I hope I'm not sounding condescending, rude, or otherwise insolent when I say that I'm surprised by the amount of anger on these boards. Maybe I'm blinded by my peaceful IMDbness (since those are the only boards I've ever been on before I found this a week ago, and the people there are generally quiet), but I've never seen people so adamant about being right. I'm not saying that there's something necessarily right or wrong about it, I'm just making an observation. It's interesting.
Tciddaisc - I really mean this as nicely as possible: you are lucky for not understanding why I got so worked up about Marionette's fakery. Top41 and I talked it over, and she gets why I felt how I did, even if it wasn't necessary the right means to get the point across. I'm not trying to be vague, but you really have to go through it to get it.

Anyway, I think I need to clear out my photobucket.


I wonder what length Calleigh's estimating with her hands? ;)


They are so in tune with each other.
OMG! I just relized it haha the guy that plays the principle in the new 90210 is Natalia's Ex!!!!!!!! OMG HAHA And he has hair and looks hawt!
Tciddaisc - I really mean this as nicely as possible: you are lucky for not understanding why I got so worked up about Marionette's fakery. Top41 and I talked it over, and she gets why I felt how I did, even if it wasn't necessary the right means to get the point across. I'm not trying to be vague, but you really have to go through it to get it.

I'm not talking about you directly, somethingsdont. I'm just talking about the site in general. Like, a lot of the shipper boards have the same thing. I'm not singling you out.

Here's my three lines on the topic:

I was re-watching "Ambush" and "All In", and there really isn't any doubt that Eric has a crush on (loves?) Calleigh. He looks so... deadly when he's confronting Cooper, and the look on his face when he's holding the gun aimed at Calleigh's kidnapper is great.
New episode spoilers are up in the spoiler thread....ep 707 is called "Cheating Death"

Nothing real E/C.....
Apparently the the team plays a prank on the new M.E. by putting something in her locker in that pops out at her when she opens it. After apologizing for the prank, Tara tells Eric he can make it up to her by having a drink with her and he agrees to meet her at the place she suggest but after she leaves he can't his locker open....turns out she screwed it shut!!! :lol:

Wonder what is going on with Eric and new M.E. or are they just friends? Cuz while I think he thinks she is cute, I am not feeling that there is something more there but I could be wrong....unless the writers are feeling the need now to make up a new triangle on with Delko this time! :rolleyes: If this is the case, then this is starting to get old again! But something in me says it isn't what we think it might be....maybe I am just geting my hopes up or maybe this is what Cal needs ya know.
I'm not talking about you directly, somethingsdont. I'm just talking about the site in general. Like, a lot of the shipper boards have the same thing. I'm not singling you out.
No, I get that, but I mean, you said it only a couple posts after the whole drama-rama went down, so I figured I'd explain my part. I definitely agree with you, anyway. Every ship is defensive of their pairing.

I have the Cooper scene uploaded (switch to high quality for best viewing of eye candy), in case anyone happens to want to watch it again and again. God, I love this scene. Eric is hot all the time, but this just tops it off.

I really hope they don't recycle the triangle deal. I think it'd be great if the new ME just became good friends with Eric. We've been saying for a long time that Calleigh needs something to wake her up; this would be perfect. It's a fine line, though, and I'm already imaging the Eric/Tara shippers popping up left and right.
I hope that TPTB aren't going to put Eric in a love triangle. We've been there and done that with Calleigh, and it gets old. Plus, I hope that the new, more mature Eric wouldn't do that to Calleigh. Now if he is just friends with the new ME then it might make Calleigh jealous enough to make the first move on Eric. ;)

Hmmm... this is getting interesting!:p
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