Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

That's just fine and dandy you love. To each their own.

And I agree. You are very much entitled to your opinion and I will defend your right to express it, but so do those of us who don't care for the E/C storyline and we should get the same consideration.

With that being said; I agree that H has done some unsavory things in the past; not some things I really like. But, I don't want him gone either.

All of them have done things that have been questionable and could have gotten them fired at the very least. H, at times, seems to be the H of old lately; compassionate caring and loyal to those who work for him.

Now on to the E/C gag-a-minute, teenage sex romp. It does not come even close to the mature understated romance of Danny and Lindsey. Our main concern (or at least my main issues) is the amount of time and effort this takes away from the crime drama itself; if you want soap drama; tune into daytime television. The angst needs to stop!! This is not the E/C show with almost dying every year or the other issues they have. It should not be this hard for them to be a couple. If tptb wants to keep them together tone it down.

Again I also wouldn't compare that nomance with Danny and Lindsey. The latter's romance was, and still is for that matter, handled so subtly and with such a "light" touch; not the bull-in-a-china-shop, in your face, like it or lump it as E/C is. There is none of this promising a resolution and then resolving nothing as E/C has been for the last season and a half. And don't think it is ending any time soon. With Eric returning to the lab and with the two of them working together and continuing their relationship aren't they breaking the departmental law barring coworkers from having a such a relationship? Will we have to see them deal with this as well? Never ending. If E/C is scaled back to what Danny/Lindsey have, it would be easier to stomach.

In the next season I don't want a whole episode centered around their wedding, then another around Calleigh giving birth, and then yet another around the kidnapped Delko baby. Can you at least see where this is all leading? The destruction of CSI:Miami. Contrary to what some of the hipphuggers believe some of us do respect that you love this couple. Please don't torture yourself by coming into thius thread; it will only serve to raise your blood pressure. I don't go over to the E/C thread b/c that's what happens to me.:):lol:

We all want to see our favorites and ours aren't getting the attention they deserve b/c the writers want us focused on this. I respect your pro-romance stance but you have understand why I am not for it and respect that as well.

To be honest, what I'm most annoyed with is the show runners lying to us. They hyped up "Time Bomb" saying it would be all about how the ultimate betrayal affected Horatio in a way we've never seen him affected before, yet the focus of the episode was more on Eric's investigation and how that affected him and his relationships with his teammates and his girlfriend. That would all be fine (I'd have no problem with that) if they hadn't told us that the focus would be on Horatio's reaction to the betrayal. Horatio was a background character in this episode/storyline. I just hate being lied to. I'm gonna put the blame for that particular issue on the show runners who flat out lied to us about the episode rather than on the writers of this particular episode.

Disclaimer: Now these next thoughts are just suggestions for the writers/ptb. I'm going to try to be as respectful as I can towards those who ship E/C. I don't mean any offense by anything I'm about to say. It's just my attempt to explain why there may be so much negativity going on towards the storyline. Please do not take offense by any of this.

In all honesty, I can handle the romance storyline when its subtle and in the background (like I did with GSR- not a fan of that pairing either), but I feel that the writers have not always gone about it the best way (in some eps, it's subtle and I have no issues with it at all). I don't mind an episode here and there dedicated to the relationship (I won't deny the shippers that), as I believe that all characters should get an ep dedicated to them (each season)... but sometimes it's a little overwhelming to some viewers and that makes it a little bit frustrating for some viewers. I believe this may be what has made some react negatively to the E/C romance.

As for the ending scene of "Time Bomb": The episode was apparently written to be about Eric's relationships with THE ENTIRE TEAM, not just with Calleigh. So, to me I feel like it would have been cohesive with the theme of the episode to have it end with a moment between the ENTIRE team and not just E/C. This is where they (the writers) seem to have a bit of trouble. They can still have E/C moments with the rest of the team around. They could have had Eric and Calleigh at Ryan's helping everyone else clean up, but then Eric could have pulled Calleigh aside and they could have had their talk and ended the episode there rather than having the talk on the dock or whatever. I'm not asking them to ax all E/C scenes, I'm only asking for a compromise. Have E/C scenes and team moments together like the example above. When they make it where it's just E/C, this is why they have so many fans feeling all this resentment towards the writers (and sometimes towards the actors/characters/storyline). If they could just better find that balance, perhaps some of the negativity would calm down. :shrugs:

Very good GNRF!! I have nothing to add:thumbsup:

As much as I enjoyed the episode, it ending with E/C was a downer for me.For an episode that was such a huge betrayal for Horatio,it shoudn't have ended that way.Another team member was framed and arrested which certainly would affect his relationship with the team,again,it should not have ended with E/C/ .There should have been some type of Horatio moment, if not that ,definitely a team moment,with all the team. That has been a big problem for me in more than one episode,Eric and Calleigh being a team all to themselves,and then there's everyone else.

Since this storyline was supposed to affect Horatio more than anyone, yes it should have ended with him.

And they've had it for the last 3 seasons -- I say it's past time the other characters have a "high priority" storyline. I'm sure Adam nor Procter would have no idea how to handle not having all the attention, but this is an ensemble cast & the show doesn't have to revolve around E/C or E and C -- I wish they (Procter & Adam) could get that through thier enormous heads. The 2 don't seem to care though, unfortunatly. All they ever tend to gab about is thier own characters & thier nomance -- it doesn't say much for respect of fellow castmates or the show itself when they wish to have it turned assbackwards just so they can have thier own characters play house.....& play it terribly I might add.

Even when another character gets a chance to shine, it is almost they can't carry the eppie without an infusion of E/C. It is not a two man show and the writers as well need to get it through their thick skulls. The part of the interview about the season finale which bothered me the most is EP saying there was an 80% and (paraphrasing here) how she hopes to come back and then mentioned how she wants E/C to go to the next level. You don't hear anyone else in the cast talk in that tone. It is just to get a certain segment fired up and fearful that they won't see any more E/C and write and email in support (DISCLAIMER: IF I HAVE CROSSED A LINE HERE I AM SORRY; STILL A LITTLE FUZZY ON THE RULES:(). It is so sad because Miami still could be a quality show if they:

1. Get back to what made them great; the crime solving and science inside good quality stories.

2. Give the other actors their time to shine. There is a lot of acting talent in that cast.

3. And tone the E/C stuff way down.

I'm done now:lol:
Yeah another Calleigh down and Eric yelling like a fool again. Everyone is down Eric. What happened to the phone you were holding?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
You know you guys might be finally winning me over. Looks like it is the Eric show again. Calleigh just isn't the same person anymore, and I miss her. I am at the point where I am wishing she was the one leaving so we can all move on.
Thought after viewing finale: Hope springs eternal!

Yes. It does. :thumbsup: I'd love nothing more in my television viewing than to see Calleigh gone for good and the horrible nomance over so this show can finally move on and try to salvage what's left.
To me this seems more like one of the worst last scene. Are they showing what Eric's character exactly is about? I def think so. Everyone is insignificant except Calleigh. I lean more towards the fact that TPTB just want us to believe she is near her death bed (AGAIN! :rolleyes:) and will be leaving, so that we have this hope and return for next season but bam both of them are back and it is back to the E/C show, whether it is about the nomance or individual characters. They should have cut off that last scene, maybe put it after the credits..and put some warning sign, at least allow me to switch it off first.
Once again, focus shifts from the CSI's to E/C. :rolleyes:
Eric -- my God. Color you a moron, no one can hear you -- they're all passed out!! What a dumb ending. And while someone else on the ground could be breathing thier last breath waiting for CPR, Eric's preoccupied with Calleigh. Way to go, Delko.

She better be toast, that's about all I can say. I'm tired of watching Calleigh constantly near death. We got this 4 episodes ago, was it necessary to go there again? Only if she's really dead this time. I won't sit through another episode of Calleigh in the hospital only to wake up & grin at Eric. Open the premiere with her funeral & I'll gladly return for season 9.
Eric -- my God. Color you a moron, no one can hear you -- they're all passed out!! What a dumb ending.
I thought as I watched this, pick up the phone Delko, why are you screaming? This is why there is the no fraternization rule so you don't make stupid decisions like this. He needed to set a plan in motion to have people in the lab rescued,instead he's holding Calleigh in his arms and screaming,wasting time, allowing people who may have lived to die.
I can understand why Eric immediately thought of Calleigh and went to her, she's his girlfriend, it's a natural reaction. However, the scene with him cradling her in his arms and screaming for help really made me think I was watching a soap opera. :lol:
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I can understand why Eric immediately thought of Calleigh and went to her, she's his girlfriend, it's a natural reaction.
It is a natural reaction,and it's why there is a no fraternization rule. He is letting down everyone in the lab that has fallen. It's fine to be emotional, but do it while you're on the phone getting help for everyone else too. Girlfriend or not, some of what he is trained to do should kick in. You see it all the time on the news where a family member saves a loved one because they have some type of training to do so,and they do it while being concerned for that loved one, but they don't waste time screaming.That really bothered me that other lives are at stake while Eric is fooling around holding Calleigh and screaming, all for the sake of an E/C moment. Actually,it would have been more dramatic if we did see him start a rescue process instead of the soap opera type reaction we saw.
I agree, Greatfan. For the millionth time, this is a crime show - it's supposed to be about solving crime and the TEAM that does so. Having 2 of the 3 main leads in a relationship ruins that team aspect (& drowns out the show) in so many ways -- we've seen it enough already, & now, here the ENTIRE team & lab is laying there & we have to see him scream his guts out over Calleigh. Whatever. This storyline stinks up the whole show -- the finale was going along just fine until that last scene. I could have done without it. In fact, as a fan of Horatio & a fan of "TEAM", I'd much rather have seen Horatio walk in & be horrified by what he was seeing happen to his lab/team. No. Instead we get Eric in a panic attack for the zillionth time the past 4 seasons.

I hope like hell that Walter is ok since Eric just left his ass there on the ground. But knowing tptb, the premiere will show Walter kissing Eric's feet as if he saved them all. *VOMIT*
I can understand why Eric immediately thought of Calleigh and went to her, she's his girlfriend, it's a natural reaction.
It is a natural reaction,and it's why there is a no fraternization rule. He is letting down everyone in the lab that has fallen. It's fine to be emotional, but do it while you're on the phone getting help for everyone else too. Girlfriend or not, some of what he is trained to do should kick in. You see it all the time on the news where a family member saves a loved one because they have some type of training to do so,and they do it while being concerned for that loved one, but they don't waste time screaming.That really bothered me that other lives are at stake while Eric is fooling around holding Calleigh and screaming, all for the sake of an E/C moment. Actually,it would have been more dramatic if we did see him start a rescue process instead of the soap opera type reaction we saw.

Well yeah, I agree with that. He sees that everyone on the whole freaking floor is passed out. He should be on the phone calling 911 rather than sitting there screaming for help in a building where all the other occupants are also unconscious.

In fact, as a fan of Horatio & a fan of "TEAM", I'd much rather have seen Horatio walk in & be horrified by what he was seeing happen to his lab/team.

Agreed. After Horatio read his note, I wanted to him say, "oh my god, my team" (not those exact words necessarily) and start running as fast as he could to his car and racing back to the lab, coming in and seeing everyone passed out. I wanted to see the expression on his face.
This storyline stinks up the whole show -- the finale was going along just fine until that last scene. I could have done without it. In fact, as a fan of Horatio & a fan of "TEAM", I'd much rather have seen Horatio walk in & be horrified by what he was seeing happen to his lab/team.
This is the second week now that the last scene was an unecessary E/C scene. Both episodes would have been great with a Horatio scene, a Horatio and Frank scene,or a Horatio and team scene.Instead we get soap opera scene both times.
This storyline stinks up the whole show -- the finale was going along just fine until that last scene. I could have done without it. In fact, as a fan of Horatio & a fan of "TEAM", I'd much rather have seen Horatio walk in & be horrified by what he was seeing happen to his lab/team.
This is the second week now that the last scene was an unecessary E/C scene. Both episodes would have been great with a Horatio scene, a Horatio and Frank scene,or a Horatio and team scene.Instead we get soap opera scene both times.

Well, the end scene in "Time Bomb" was more "chick-flick moment" than soapy, but yeah... I don't understand why Horatio has been pushed back so far. He's the leading man for crying out loud! :lol: