Ok the team investigates the murder of a surgeon when Ryan and Calleigh are in the attic someone shoots several bullets into the house breaking open the isnulation in the floor boards. Safely ducking for cover the two realize the house is on fire!! They barely make out with their lives. Eric finds Ryan and immediately asks him how Calleigh is doing. Ryan, jokingly says he is fine and so is Calleigh. Eric tells Ryan that he wishes he was there and Ryan tells him that he has been "there" before. Insinuating that he has been in life threatening situations...obviously not getting what Eric really meant (at least that is what I get out of it
But it seems Calleigh has inhaled too much of the insulation and is rushed to the hospital. She turns out to be fine but from what I can gather Eric is with her when she begins to choke and feel loss of breathe. While at the hospital none other than our beloved Alexx looks after her
. And later when Eric is at the hospital questioning the woman that our murder victim was seeing b/c they think he was stealing pills from her pharm unit. When Eric confronts her about it she makes the off hand comment that "that is what you get when you get involved with coworkers" Eric thinks about it but shakes off the comment!!
I have no idea what if anything this means...all I know is that he is shaken up about the incident.