Jennifer, sweetie, is it wrong that the first thing that came into
my head was, "How about that bush over there?"
Oh Luce, that sounds fun.

I play Calleigh at one of the MSN group things. I'm so pushing teasing Calleigh right now, and the girl who play Eric is all for it, but is playing as hard to get as Calleigh is... :lol: Kinda like an extreem version of the show haha.
I think Eric could have a girlfriend. One of those subconscious, 'I'll go out with her and see what Calleigh says' type things. I'm not syaing he would be deliberatly spiteful like that but, like you said Lucy, he 'is a thirty-year-old guy'.
I'd personally pay to see Calleigh's face if Eric dated someone. Ha, that would be amusing. Would serve her right, for being a tease her self haha. But, really. Their hearts belong to each other, it's just a matter of waiting (I had a fic entitled that once /endrandomness]) and seeing who will crack first.
Oh, my performance went well. 'cept, at one point, I'm supposed to flick open my fan in one of those cocky, 'I'm better than you' moves, and my fan didn't open. Luckily the audience thought it was supposed to happen :lol:. I'm on these claming tablets though, 'coz I always get really nervous. If anything doesn't make any sense, that's why haha.