Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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I think it is a daydream...mainly b/c it is in Black and White and has the aura of being rather dreamy. My big ???? is who is the one having the daydream? ;)
I don't know if it's a daydream. The promo department turns clips into black and white all the time just for their promos. I'm leaning towards them re-creating the scene but I'm not putting any money on it. I wish they'd show us any one of them (preferably Calleigh) daydreaming about the wedding night.
I wish they'd show us any one of them (preferably Calleigh) daydreaming about the wedding night.

Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about! :devil: :D (There's a fic there, just in case somebody wants to write it. ;) )

I want Eric to catch Calleigh daydreaming about their wedding night. :devil: And I want him to know exactly what she was daydreaming about just by looking at her face. And then they can go make it real instead of just a dream. :D
Hey there. :)
I just wanted to let you guys know that Emily Procter is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly on Monday if you're interested. I'm guessing that she'll end up talking about any E/C moments in Monday's episode, so I'm excited. She's always so great in interviews.

So just a few more days!! :D I'd seriously spazzed when I saw the commercial the other week. I ran out into the hallway and ended up banging my head on the wall after slipping on my carpet. I was so excited.... :p

I don't know if it's a daydream. The promo department turns clips into black and white all the time just for their promos. I'm leaning towards them re-creating the scene but I'm not putting any money on it. I wish they'd show us any one of them (preferably Calleigh) daydreaming about the wedding night.

I would wet myself if they did that :lol:

If that is a recreation then that is a hefty one....they don't usually "re-create" them with themselves in is usually a flahsback of the killers. TPTB are soooo toying with us ;)
I wish they'd show us any one of them (preferably Calleigh) daydreaming about the wedding night.

Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about! :devil: :D (There's a fic there, just in case somebody wants to write it. ;) )

I want Eric to catch Calleigh daydreaming about their wedding night. :devil: And I want him to know exactly what she was daydreaming about just by looking at her face. And then they can go make it real instead of just a dream. :D

Don't you already have a fic like this? I don't think it was a wedding night, but if I recall correctly, Calleigh was daydreaming something bit :D

So, I got to spend the last five days in Florida (near Tampa...not Miami, unfortunately) but oh my goodness, the weather was beautiful! It was sunny and warm every day, palm trees everywhere, and I'm fairly certain Florida is more developed than where I'm from. We're back in the sixteen hundreds or something :rolleyes:. Guys, I went swimming! In March! And I got a sun burn (oh I am such a northerner) But yeah...definitely got home today with snow and a fifty degree drop. How depressing.

Gwasshoppa, your preview is wonderful! I'm so excited to read it!
Haha, now that you mention it, Jacks, I think I did write a Calleigh daydreaming ficlet like that. :lol: It was post Burned, I think. And Eric interrupted, so Calleigh didn't get to lose herself completely... :lol:

So I've been thinking, and this "daydream" from the promo could possibly be a re-creation, even though I'd still be surprised if it was. Crossing Jordan used to do that all the time; they'd go to black and white and the crime would be acted out by whoever was investigating it. And Eric and Calleigh did it once, didn't they? It wasn't black and white, but in...was it BBYD? They didn't "act" out the scene, but they sort of walked it, didn't they? I don't remember, oh well. To be quite honest, I really don't care at this point whether it's a daydream or a re-creation, because dudes, we still got Calleigh in a wedding dress and Eric gazing at her like she's his angel, aww. :D
Jumps up and down in excitment! I'm soooooo excited this weeks epi.:drool::drool::drool::drool: Should we have a party, no matter how things turn out????

Part of me wants to realllllly believe that TPTB are messing with us like they did with the kiss. That at LEAST they re-inact the scene.:devil: :drool::drool::thumbsup::devil::drool: The other part is thinking negative b/c of the LACK of the KISS. *sigh* That either its a day dream and that this is what Adam meant with a CSI wedding! Or worse, that this is a delusion of Eric's. I really thought he saw Speed. I was so :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: over this epi. in the beginning. Dont know what happened.
Oh, it was a good one. I don't know why you didn't post it on Honestly, it cracked me up, and it was one of those stories that ended at a really good place, but if you wanted to, you could totally add more to it.

You know, I thought the same thing about the delusion. I hope they don't do that because it would be ridiculous, but I suppose you never know. Jessica, you're right. They did do a re-create the scene, but it definitely wasn't black and white. It did have some cool effects though. The thing with this upcoming ep is that it is so different from everything else we've seen. I mean, Calleigh in a veil? Maybe the two are recreating the murder and as Calleigh's 'acting out the bride' Eric has a little moment where he can't help but picture her as a bride...I don't know. I'm personally very much in favor of something that isn't recreating the scene, but I guess I don't really have a say in the episode (huh...wonder why they did that...) Who knows. While my friend and I were in Florida, we saw the promo for next week (of course, I've already seen it a million times) and she was like 'what the heck?!' and absolutely positively convinced that Calleigh was going to die. I tried to explain that we would have heard something if Emily was leaving the show, but alas...I could be wrong. I mean, if you think about it, the promo is kind of ridiculous. If you're someone who devotedly watches Miami, you know that Eric and Calleig are not getting married (unless the writers simultaneously started doing crack). If you're an occasional viewer, you' probably be like 'wait...what? Wasn't Calleigh with that one guy? She's getting married kind of fast, isn't she?' if you've never seen it, you're probably like 'Okay...good times' but no matter how you look at it, it makes absolutely no sense. Then again, now that I think about it, my post probably makes absolutely no sense. I should be asleep right now...
I envy you sooooo much that you get to see that episode (and any other, of course). When you see it, please write a post or PM me about it. I`m really curious.
I dreamed last night that Calleigh went ballistic. :lol: I don't know what her deal was, but for some reason, she was standing in front of Horatio with her gun out, screaming at him and totally ready to shoot him. :lol:

Oh, it was a good one. I don't know why you didn't post it on

Heh, thanks. :D Hmm, I don't know why I never posted that one to ffnet. Probably because it wasn't one I really particularly liked. And those I tend to keep hidden on LJ instead of at ffnet. Less traffic, less...mortification? Something like that. :lol: ;)

25 hours to go! :eek: Who's excited? I know I shouldn't be, because whenever I get excited about this show, it doesn't live up to what I'd hoped...but I can't help it. :D The way I see it right now, it's going to be hard for this episode to completely disappoint, even if the best part was already shown in the promo. I mean, this still has to be one of the cutest scenes ever, aww. I can't wait. :D
Man...I never have cool Miami dreams.

Ooooh, I am so excited for tomorrow night! Where is everyone anyway? You were all so busy posting this week, and now everyone is gone.:confused: Ah well.

So, I'm still on my little Florida kick, but one of the people I've been gushing to is in the mindframe of 'what's so great about Florida? There are hurricanes and Cubans..." So...not such a big fan of the hurricanes, but the Cubans I can totally handle! :devil: :drool: Oh, and with the price of gas in Florida, I don't know how anyone drives around in a hummer...that's just me though.
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