My semester just started last week, so I'm not exactly stressed with school yet. That doesn't happen until March/April. I'm just too lazy to take on another fic project...not to mention another one with a due date!

:lol: I probably wouldn't start it until the day before either, heh. Besides, if I'm not spending time working on a V-Day fic, then my up-against-the-wall fic will be that much better.

I'm kind of torn though; I don't have a plot for that up-against-the-wall fic yet, but I
do have a plot for an up-on-the-counter fic that I really want to write. And
no, it's not up-on-the-counter smut, you guys.

I wish it would get somewhat cold in Miami. Or that Eric and Calleigh could actually go somewhere cold on a case. Like up north. How cute would it be if Calleigh were so unprepared for the cold weather, and Eric let her borrow his coat? Aw. That coat would like swallow her or something; it'd be so damn big on her. But she'd still manage to look adorable wearing it, and you know Eric would notice.
And being somewhere cold gives them the absolutely perfect opportunity to cuddle. Aw! Or, I'm not picky; they can just stay in Miami and cuddle.

Nothing makes my EC secretly-fluffy shipper heart melt like the idea of Eric and Calleigh cuddling.