Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Drommie, you're baby sooo adorable! I already know that she'll be a heartbreaker one day...and I can't believe you're already online!

LeAnne, why wait for V-day challenge? Go with a New Year fic while we try to get some elements for v-day!

I start work again tonight (finally!) so I won't be around much for the next few days. Thanks all for keeping me amused and preoccupied on Christmas :)
delkolover said:
^^^That baby is toooo frickin cute :) Can't believe they won't let you use that as your avatar?!
I'm confused about that too. Could it just be that the auto admin removed the avatar as the file size was too big (ie. over 20480 bytes for JPG or PNG images)? I can't imagine anyone objecting to you having a photo of your baby as your avatar.

Drommie, she's very cute btw. Congratulations! :)
Drommie - I really can't see the picture, lol, but I'm sure she's very cute. I'm very surprised you're online already, too, but I suppose that must mean you're doing well and health always comes first. Anyway, congrats!

Caro - Much, much love for your fic. MUCH. Anyone who hasn't read it yet loses at life.

Jessica - Aw, Eric and Calleigh bringing their little girl to see Santa. Loved it!

I recorded a really short holiday greeting and forgot to post it yesterday so it's here today. You have to turn up the speakers because it's really quiet and I sound like I'm five, and if the player never loads and you see a blank screen then trust me, you're not missing much.
:lol: I talk to myself all the time Luce, so don't worry about that. Thanks for the christmas message, you're so sweet. You know, I've been told people find you scary... not too sure why.

Gosh, what are we going to talk about without new episdes? Erm, old episides? What are all y'll watchin'?
I've had people admit that they find me intimidating and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I'm nice, I swear! Plus, how can I possibly be mean if I sound like that^^? I can't keep my mouth shut when something annoys me though, so maybe I've said things that have offended people or insulted them without meaning to? I don't know. Oh well, life's mysteries. ;) (But hey, if someone really does have a problem with what I say/do, come to me about it, okay? I think we're all mature enough here.)

And jeez, I hope I don't stop people from posting here.

I haven't seen Miami in forever. Maybe I'll watch Death Grip like I wanted to while I was in Boston. And this was just asking to be posted again, so posts again:

*sigh* The look of love. (edit) Anyone else notice that Eric always leans towards Calleigh when he's in the same room as her? I mean, come on, body language says it all!

No, I think we're all used to you now dear. Don't worry. :) Besides, we like you that way, you keep us entertained. Believe me, I can get nasty with reviews when I feel like it. :lol:

Okay, an episode to watch... well, the banner/paper thing at the top of the screen reminds me of 'Bunk' so I'll start there. :D I love the 'Southern'/'Cuban' exchange. That coy smile just cemented their bantery (a word) relationship for me. EP and AR did a great job with their scenes.

Oh, and Leela's manip. sure helped.
Lucy, I have to admit I was a bit intimidated and frightened by both you, midnight_tiptoes, and a few others for awhile. I would have never addressed any of you directly in thread conversation. This is a really bad analogy, but it’s kind of like being an underclassman and trying to talk to a revered upperclassman. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the E/C thread is full of nice, and not to mention hilarious people.

My mom got me the CSI: Miami board game for Christmas. I thought she hadn’t a clue about my obsession, but apparently she pays attention. But even better, when I opened it she said, “Ho, ho, ho… ratio!” Seriously.
Way hey! Fixed! Thank you to y'all. I am really proud of her. :D. Managed to get out of the hospital this morning and I wanted to show her off because - and i realise i am a little biased - I think she was the most beautiful baby in the hospital. We called her Emily - after Emily Procter. :D. For anyone having children, or wanting children or thinking about having children I have just one tip for you ... Have a C-Section. Pushing what feels like a fridge through your private area isn't fun or pleasant.

I've had people admit that they find me intimidating

I think you're a lovely person. I don't find you intimidating.


P.S I got the CSI Miami board game too.

CBS has put out the air date for ep 613 Raising Cane. It is set to air January 14th at 10 pm....and what is especially good....NO JAKE!! :D

I don't find anyone here intimidating...if I did, I wouldn't made friends with all you guys ;)
I don't hold grudges well, anyway, so chances are, if I have an unfriendly exchange with someone, I won't remember it five minutes later.

But even better, when I opened it she said, “Ho, ho, ho… ratio!” Seriously.
Oh my God, hahaha, that's incredible.

I'm watching Bunk now (hehe, thanks Jodie) and just passed the first exchange. They're so giggly. I love it. I miss season 1 man.
To all those 'stronger' personalities up here... from a relative newbie, y'all were a big part of the attraction to actually come out of hiding!!! And as for reviews, which I have received my first few... don't open the email if you don't want to know what your story really looks like .. is my thought! (but keep sending them to me, because I am finding them helpful!!)
I finally finished the last part of my challenge fic. Yay! I'm done! Thanks for reading, you guys. :D

Dead Woman Walking is on. I just love watching Calleigh pat Eric's chest. :lol: :devil: She used to touch him an awful lot back when there was supposedly nothing going on with them... :D
Merry Christmas to everyone!... even though it was yesterday. Welcome! to all who are new...even though Im still pretty new.

It is safe to say I accomplished nothing today while being comletely alone...if it didn't have to do with CSI or E/C. I am quite sure I read all the Christmas challenge stories, plus all the other stories on that have to do with E/C. Yet, I still am craving more. Aren't we all.

They were all great! Caro, the first part of yours was hilarious. I was laughing so hard at the Horatio/Yelina dance floor scene. I was laughing out loud, to no one of course, then realized I was alone still and going crazy.
And all the while, during this already obvious epiphany of mine, I started talking to myself about it.

Anyway to tone down from the crazy...
Jessica your was great too. Especially that bathroom flashback. Everyone else was fantastic too, I am just too lazy to type the names of those Im thinking about.
Drommie your baby is adorable!!

So I hope everyone is having a good break. Don't try yourself too mad waiting for the new Jake-free episode.
Hello peeps! :D Feels like FOREVER since I've made it in here :lol: Okay so it was only a week, but still in here that's FOREVER! :lol: Anyway...Hi how's it going?! :D

Luce I think you're swell...just noticed the "intimidated" comments and had to tell ya I think you're, Caro...all y'all in here! My "Hiphuggers" make me grin, constantly! :D :D

Jackie thanks for the fab spoiler news...that rocks! :D I'm glad they aren't making us wait forever! :D

Oh and I have to say, I'm pretty sure I commented/reviewed on all the ficcies I read...but still, all y'alls Christmas challenge fics were AMAZING! Y'all are seriously brilliant...they were so fun and made me grin and sigh each one I read! Y'all rock! :D :D
I'm so bored. I tried to write but I can't concentrate. I wanna go out but I live so far from everything and it's cold outside. And dark. Why was it pitch black at 4? Plus, we have people over and kids and they kicked me off the Wii and ugh.

I sorta started working on that silencer fic that I've wanted to write for so long, but writing porn is giving me a headache. And I'm totally stuck on Time Tells so it might be a while before there's an update, oops.

January 14th seems like a long wait.

I need a drink.
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