Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

I don't think it's been set yet. The 16th was mention a while ago but I don't think it's been made official.

Speaking of fiction though, anybody wanna do a fellow HipHugger a favor and read over the beginnings of an E/C fic? *bats lashes*
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

ok guys it looks like I am out of the fic a thon. I just have way too much to do and there is no way the fic will happen with all the stuff I have going on.

I can't focus on it b/c I don't have the time. I have a wedding and a graduation party this weekend. Next weekend is a family function and the weekend after that I have an engagement party. Plus my cousin is coming to visit from out of state in between that time. Not to mention I have to I am pretty taxed.

Sorry guys...but my brain is overloaded as it is!!

based on reading some of the spoilers; it looks like the season premiere is slated for 09/24/07. In one of the spoilers Delko shows a suspect something and it is has the date of 09/24/07 on it and since 09/24 is a Monday...I am going to go with that that is the projected season premiere date. Once again, all spoilers are subject to change
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Hee! What a way to start the season! Eric in a wetsuit. :D Lets see what Jake can do to beat that! Of course, if he tries to beat that, Eric can just take the wetsuit off. :devil: Calleigh might feel committed to Jake, but seriously, what woman can say no to a naked Eric? Anybody? I didn't think so. :D

Even if the first spoilers don't say anything about EC, I highly doubt there won't be any EC in the episode. Unless they're really trying to flesh his character out more (On Miami? Yeah right. :lol:) then I don't see why TPTB would throw Jake in an episode if there wasn't going to be any EC, even indirectly. Sounds like we might start the season on a high note. :D

Happy birthday, Jackie! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

When I first started reading the spoilers I was a little bummed when I didn't see any E/C but as soon as I saw Jake's name...I totallly perked up! I mean why else would the guy be int he ep? They don't need anymore cast members. Jakes' sole purpose IMO is to serve as a means to an end for E/C.

Thanks for the B-day wishes even though in acutality it isn't until tomorrow for me here on the east coast! But it's the 27th somewhere right? :lol:

Oh hey Jess is it too much to ask for an E/C drabble in your community for my b-day? Ya know number 51? :D a sequel to Agony? Am I asking too much? :lol: :D :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Yeah, Jake is only in this episode to bug Eric. I bet even Jake will be drooling when he sees Eric in a wet suit. :devil: I think that the writers are discussing what to do with E/C right now because it is so important.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Jake is just an obstacle that is going to be brought down! Eric and Calleigh are totally going to beat his ass down!

Happy Birthday delkolover!
Here's some E/C luving!

Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

And they have returned! :lol: *Mo steps into the thread and laughs at the huge amount of spoiler boxes that have returned!* Yay, the speculation has begun...I have to say as much as I hate not knowing for sure...I do love all the speculation and the spoilers...heehee! It's fun, I will admit! Gah I SOOO cannot wait for the new season though, the boxes make me want the season to start more than ever!!

Happy Birthday tomorrow Jackie!! Rock on!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Heh, Eric looks like he's trying to serenade Calleigh there or something. :lol: And Calleigh's all "..."

Oh hey Jess is it too much to ask for an E/C drabble in your community for my b-day? Ya know number 51? :D a sequel to Agony? Am I asking too much? :lol: :D :D

That one already has a sequel. ;) I never really cared a whole lot for it, but it's there. :) I probably should catch up on that challenge (you know, instead of taking on other challenges *coughpornathoncough*) - I'd hoped to have it finished by now, yet I've been stuck at 50 for about two months. :rolleyes: :lol:

Gah I SOOO cannot wait for the new season though, the boxes make me want the season to start more than ever!!

Ugh, I know! And it's still like three months away! :eek: Imagine how the last couple weeks before the premiere are going to be, lol.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Heh, Eric looks like he's trying to serenade Calleigh there or something. And Calleigh's all "..."
That's hilarious Jess, it totally does look like that! Like he's singing his heart out and Cal is closing her eyes in blissful joy as she listens! :lol: Love it! :lol:

Yeah no kidding, if we're impatient already and the premiere is still months away I think we're gonna be ready to jump something or someone by the time it finally gets here! Gah, I'm SOO not good with waiting and patience! :lol: Seriously! :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Wow everything is starting up again I see! Yeah eventually then will go into E/C/J stuff! Okay the due date is maybe July 16th? Great I still have time...........
Happy birthday delkolover!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty

Due date? Wait did I miss something? :lol: Somebody preggers? :lol: Heehee! E/C finally did and now Cal's got a bun in the oven huh? Lol...oh if only a baby Hiphugger running around would be the bestest thing ever! :D

So wait did you mean...July 16th is when more E/C info comes out??! :D
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