Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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CSI Level One
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Leela said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: ......No! I'm just good at pretending! ;)

"Nice try, Leela! We've all seen Zap Brannigan's web page." ;) :D

Like I said before, I'd be okay with the content, but when it comes to setting everything up and making it look all pretty-ful, then I'm not the chick for the job. I spent a little while checking out different servers and stuff to do with domain purchasing, but if you guys are already clued in on those things, then I'll leave that to you, if you don't mind. :)

So, where shall we start?

Thread #20. We're no longer teenagers!

Welcome to the Eric/Calleigh thread. Remember that if the threat is a-rocking, don't come a-knocking for at least three days. The stamina these two have is astounding.

If you wanna take a trip down memory lane, visit our old threads:

#5 - Somebody's Getting Wet...
#6 - From Bonding To Bondage
#7 - Divers Go Deeper
#8 - With Every Fiber of Her Being
#9 - Fangirl Tested, Adam and Emily Approved
#10 - The Adventures of Scuba Boy and Bullet Girl
#11 - I Can Love, But I Need His Heart
#12 - Spanked By The Little Green-Eyed Monster
#13 - I Would Lie For You
#14 - Has Anybody Seen Calleigh's Bracelet?
#15 - Green Eye For The Cuban Guy
#16 - Just Do It... Seriously, Do It.
#17 - Slutty Eric + Garage of Love = Hickey!
#18 - The One True Path to Shirtless Delko
#19 - Spontaneous Nudity is Bound to Occur

I had to shorten the title because it was too long. If anybody has a better suggestion or would like to tweak it, speak in the next 24 hours or forever hold your piece.

Our title comes from:


Calleigh: Eric, I trust you with every fiber of my being, and you know that.


Eric: *dies happy*

Post away.
Excellent a new thread!! I totally love the thread title too!! :lol:

What shall be the first topic of the new thread? Shall we carry over what Ali said last or talk about something else concerning these two?! As if there is anything else!! :p
Yayness! Dude, this is a big milestone for us! Cocktails and Delko Time for all!

I don't want to bring any negativity into the thread straight away, so go to the last thread if you want to read my contiuation of that topic. On to happier things :D.

That scene gets me every time. I turn into a big ball of pathetic mush, I swear. And I'm such an un-emotional person as well, I actually believe I have a phobia of physical contact :lol:, so for that scene to get such a reaction out of me speaks volumes.

Is it just me or does it look like Eric's tearing up in that picture? That awesomely sweet. I don't blame him, as that line from Calleigh is practically a written confession of love.

Oh and by the way, Welcome Diana! Hop on the ship and lets get sailing. Let the Hip Hugging continue!
Alright, the radiation from their hotness is giving me mad sunburn.

Ehhhh, why don't the writers wipe off their icky white sunscreen already, come out of the SHADE...tan is the new pink?

*pulls down shirt straps* FEEL THE BURN!
Because they are comfortable in the shade and they are afraid of what might actually happen if they do tan!! That and the sunscreen had corroded their brains! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I added the links to all the available threads in the first post. Man, we've had some good times. I gotta say "Divers Go Deeper" is still my favorite title :lol:. Fucking hilarious.

My favorite part of that scene is how Eric is so pissed and mad and raving, and suddenly Calleigh says that and he turns to a puddle of mush. He's so pathetic.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie


I love the new thread title! I multiship in the gutter, so I might lurk or de-lurk depending on what my mood is at the current time :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

midnight_tiptoes said: He's so pathetic.

Well, I know the feeling. It's the same one I get every time I watch them together in a scene or look at a photo. They have that kind of effect on people. ;)

With two people this hot, it should be the law that they jump each other on our TV screens every week. I bet Adam and Emily have tried to get that clause but into their contracts at least once.

Dude, the reason the writers stay in the shade is that they are so afraid that seeing Eric and Calleigh get it on will make them inept. No longer will their partners be satisfied with what they have to give after witnessing something that hot. Donahue's probably afraid that if they let them do it once, Adam and Emily would hump their way off into the sunset and not once look back on her little show. :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

i think the only responce i can honestly come up with after that is the signiture line "GET NAKED", it's one giant game of hot potato...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

It's amazing how cool and suave Eric and Calleigh are when they're apart, and yet how utterly dorky they are when they get together.

I started a Tyler story. I'm having fun with it, but I don't know when I'll be able to finish it. Words cannot describe how much I love writing Valera. She's all kinds of awesome.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey...I wanna read it!

Nowadays CSI:Miami has lost it's humor. Eric and Calleigh bring it back.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That's true, I miss the humor. A lot. I think part of it has to do with the fact that these writers just aren't very good at it. Cause they've tried, but the jokes just kinda fall flat. I think it's actually the whole CSI franchise as a whole. They just can't do humor. Sometimes I wish they'd let the writers improvise a bit. I bet Jon would be able to come up with something really hilarious.

It's a shame, because NCIS is the BEST at writing humor and drama all jumbled up. I heart that show to death. The Miami characters have a lot of potential, too, especially Valera. And every time Ryan and Valera come together in my stories, I can't write anything serious. They're just hilarious together.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Best. Thread Title. Ever.
Happy new thread everyone! *throws popcorn and goldfish crackers into the air* Someone (maybe me) should write a fic with a drinking game that ends with Eric and Calleigh doing it. My fics are always so shallow...everyone else's are all deep, and good, and full of emotion, and then there're mine; they meet up somewhere, somehow they lose their clothes, etc. :rolleyes:
My brother made me a player on Madden 2006 named Adam Rodriguez, but he sucked (and not in a good way), so I was forced to punish him, if you know what I mean :devil:
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