Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I just watched 'DeadZone' (totally season 2 addicted at the moment *lol*). And I thought: Why was Calleigh on that ship anyway? I mean, Horatio was there to get the evidence from Eric, so why bring Calleigh along as well? But we all know why: Wetsuit!
Calleigh: "Oh I know that you THINK you don't need me on that ship, Horatio. But I MUST come with you and Eric! Because... I.... have... to protect... errr.... you..."
Horatio (thinking): "Yeah right, the wetsuit... Could she be even MORE horny?"

Some caps:


Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

She is so making eyes at him in the last picture. They are about ten seconds away from ravaging each other. The way she leaned in to him so unecessarily close is so obvious. Could she be more blantantly flirting with him? And she's wearing another one of her low-cut tops, flaunting it just for his pleasure. :D

They had a CSI Miami/NY marathon here on FiveUS tonight, so I saw 'Shattered' again. But I heard something I missed before, when Marisol is talking to Horatio about Eric's charges she says something along the lines of 'the blonde that Eric works with told you about me.' Except of course, Horatio wasn't blinded by jealousy and managed to put 2 + 2 together and figure out it was his sister. Still, Calleigh was trying to protect Eric again! I've lost count how many times they've done that for one another. That's love right there. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well, delkolover, hope you get some Adam for me.

That last picture, Leela, is so freaking hot. I always thought she was standing so close to him in that scene.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

my favorite part of that scene is where he walks by her!! He sooo brushes by her closer than necessary! And that last shot is just says 'jump me diver man' b/c he too is leaning in ready to ravish her!!

Low cut shirt + wetsuit = hot love!! :devil:

I always wondered too why Calleigh was there in the first place. Not that I really care b/c it provides us with some juicy E/C scenes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh yeah baby! He is sooo close to her. I know she leaned in on purpose. Calleigh was there because she wanted some lovin' I guess.But I won't question her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

They do it all the time, it's second nature to them. Even now, when they are probably more awkward than ever around each other it's just something they seem to do out of habit. It's like it takes a few minutes for their brains to process where they are, and that they are in a potentially uncomfortable situation.

I think I converted my sister to E/C! Not intentionally, she's a casual viewer so she doesn't really get involved in ships, but when we were watching 'Shattered' she turned to me and asked me to explain the 'Three-Way' flashback scene. So I told her all about Marisol and that Ryan snitched on Eric because of rolling papers. She went quiet for a bit and then said 'What about Calleigh.' I said 'She knew, she just didn't say anything to Stetler.' That really got her attention, she was all 'Calleigh lied? Calleigh never lies! She must really care about him.' Of course, I didn't say anything, I just sat there with a smirk on my face, 'cuz I know that already. Eventually she put it all together and came to the conclusion, like us, that there is way more than just friendship going on there. Even funnier, her boyfriend walked in during 'Nailed', sat down for about a minute during the scene outside the hospital, got back up and said 'She's jealous, she loves him', and just walked out! :lol:

Hasn't that happened to every single one of us now? Everybody freakin' sees something going on there, and this was Season 4. Imagine what people would be thinking if it was still like Season 2. It's so obvious that somebody who's never even watched Miami before can see something's going on. There's no way in hell TPTB don't pick up on this vibe.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

It happened to me last year when I was watching Pro Per. My cousin came into the room and watched their fight scene and when the camera focused on Eric she said, "he's in love with her."

I was like, okay, I'm definitely not crazy then.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Exactly. Sometimes I think that I'm so crazy about this pairing that I see things that aren't really there and overanalyse things between them, but then somebody comes in and sees something between them in all of 30 seconds! Really, they have the most obvious chemistry of any pairing in all of the CSI franchises. Why do the writers intentionally spurn a good thing?! :mad:

D'you know what I was thinking about today? Porn. This ship was founded on the stuff, but we haven't had any for ages. I want to write something, and I wanted to make it happy because we've got enough to be depressed about relating to this ship, but I really can't do straight up fluff. I'm too scary and damaged for that. The best you ever get out of me is flangst (that is so a word!) :p. Should I attempt some porn, yay or nay? :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I know I am not crazy for liking this ship. At first, when I got into CSI:Miami, the first characters I got into were Eric and Calleigh and back then, I never thought about them getting together at first I just focused on them the first time I saw the show for some apparant reason. Then it hit me, when I started noticing how these two acted around each other. Eric seemed more relaxed whenever she came around and he had this sexy smirk on his face when he saw her. And pretty much everyone I know are totally getting into this pair and it's not that I pushed them, they just really like them. On Alessandra's forum I was talking to this girl who likes the show and she said she would like Eric and Cal together because they'd be cute. My parents are for it and even Adam and Emily are for it!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

CSI_Ali said:
Should I attempt some porn, yay or nay? :devil:

Yes. Like, now. :D :lol:

I was watching Whacked one day, and my brother was on the computer only half paying attention. Calleigh said our trust line, and my brother kinda snorted at it and called it sweet, but mostly just cheesy. Then I rewound the scene 'cause I just love it so much, lol, and then he got confused and told me he could've sworn he'd heard her say "I love you with every fiber of my being" the first time. Aw. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

For Calleigh, possibly the most emotionally inept person in CSI history (rivalled only by the likes of Sara Sidle) that line might has well have been a declaration of love. I remember being so shocked (and ridiculously happy) the first time she said that. Calleigh doesn't say things like that! Ever! But she did to Eric. If I had needed anymore convincing of this pairing, which I didn't, that would have been it right there. It's impossible to deny after witnessing that. :D

Fine, I'll write the porn, but on one condition: you write some fluff! And lots of it. There needs to be a healthy balance between my angst/flangst (I love that word) and your fluff, and I wanna write, so you have to too! :p

I want some tequila as well. And some Oreos.

P.S. If you kill Calleigh again, not only will I set my computer on fire to delete the porn, but I'll cut off Eric Jr. so there won't be anymore saucy shenanigans ever. Do you really want to be responsible for the death of the holy E/C smut? I think not. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Go for it, Ali! Seriously!
I'm gonna bake you a muffin if you include a BJ... (what's with the Leela trying to bribe everyone with sweet bakery?!)
Anyway, here's a cap to inspire you:

(We know that Calleigh likes to do it in cars, don't we? I'm not saying names...)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Eric got her in his lolo. I don't know if that's how you spell it but have you heard that song?
You can keep posting that pic all you want!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude. I love the title of this thread. Perfect.

Man, I could almost be in the mood to write E/C fanfic. Almost.
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