Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

^ Excellent idea, let's pitch it to Miller :lol:

What eppy is it where Calleigh says she trusts him completely? For the life of me I can't remember.

Look at their expressions in pics of them talking to one another:
... Now tell me they don't love each other.

A couple of pics of them together to cheer me up. :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Miller likes E/C; I'm sure he wouldn't say no to that idea! :lol: :D

What eppy is it where Calleigh says she trusts him completely?

Whacked. :) Such a great, great scene. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

OMG! Wow did I forget that one.

If Miller is down for doing that scene I'll kidnap Donahue while they film it. Yes, I would be prepared to miss out on the real Hip Hugger porn live for the greater good. Taking one for the team, I'm *such* a little trooper! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Thanks for the fics ;) !!!!. And I'm not totally converted, but E/C stories are so hot :eek: :eek: I haven't read something like that before :eek:. Their pics are also very, very hot. I think I'm a multi-shipper. CaRWash is cute, not hot!!!

I need to re-watch seasons 1 and 2 urgently!!!. There were the best E/C moments :devil:

Who's Miller? :blushes:
Where's your last pic from, CSI_Ali? A CBS party?, where can I find more? Is there any with Emily and Jon Togo? (Don't hurt me, I know it's the wrong thread but I have to ask :p)

Edit: CSI_Ali very goof fic :eek: I wanted them to take that shower, after... well you know ;)

midnight_tiptoes I can't find adultfiction :( it says 'domain disabled' :(. Where are your own fics? ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

My NC-17 fics are in my LiveJournal: link. I think they're the ones you already read. The rest are at under the username Carolina in the Cantina.

Wow, I can't believe the last thing I wrote was Paradise by the Dashboard Light. I need to get my ass typing again.

I haven't seen any Emily/Jon pictures, then again, I haven't looked. Maybe someone in the Ryan/Calleigh thread knows.

We need to interview Adam and Emily again. I can't believe everyone in that god damn show is a Hip Hugger except Donahue.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

To be honest I found that pic of Em & Adam on Google images, so I don't know if there is any of her and Jon.

Yes Caro, I think we all need to chip in to save the dying breed that is E/C fics, especially the porn. On a side note, I have finished 2 of my 3 mind-numbing essays, meaning I shall be able to get to finishing my fics soon enough. Being forced to write about stuff you don't care about really makes you want to stop writing completely.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

It's from an interview with ET in which Emily and Adam say they want Eric and Calleigh to get together:




Adam: Me. All me, baby.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Really? Adam and Emily said they want Calleigh and Eric together?, Great!!!! Where can I read the interview? Is there any transcription?

midnight_tiptoes I haven't read your fics!!! so I'll have fun this afternoon ;) Thanks!!! ;) Your name is Carolina? Where are you from?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Yeah, and transcript/video is needed! I used to have one but I can't seem to find it :(
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Find it! For the love of god somebody find it. Even just a transcript will do, I'll look for the Jon Togo site.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Looks like the video section of JT online is down. Basically the interviewer asked the cast mates where they wanted to see the show go, romance-wise:

Adam: A nice, hot love scene with Calleigh, I'm imagining that it's gonna lead up to that eventually.

Emily: Yeah, that would be awesome! I love Adam, secretly, he doesn't know.

They were also interviewed by CSI Files and they both said the E/C thing is real, and that they like to flirt with each other when they have scenes together to give E/C fans something.

Your name is Carolina? Where are you from?

I'm in Puerto Rico. It's not pronounced like the states.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Yeah I read those interviews too. You'd never hear Adam say anything like that about the Snake. Apparently the video section will be back up soon, I'll keep checking and post the link when it is.
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