Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

MedicWarrickLvr said:
You hate cake mix Carol Ann?? :lol: Maybe we're not twins. I live for cake mix!

I prefer making cakes from scratch. They're yummier. Plus, cake mixes have all kinds of nasty chemicals I'd rather avoid.

I can't believe I actually finished the god forasken cake. It took me hours and hours. I'll post pictures of it in my LJ.

I'll guess I'll come home after work tomorrow night and you guys can fill me in.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Jessica237 said:

Haha, same here. I burn PopTarts. :lol:

my best one so far is burning peas, yes its a talent, lol
looking forward to seeing ur cake carol. the best cake ever would have eric bursting out of it and then stripping...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

I've got a nice pic of them togehter too, here it is:

The are so cute together... :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

He's like a billion feet taller than her, and I bet she's wearing heels in that pic, too. Too cute.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

awwww little and large! its so cute! they just dont match in anyway at all, but they do say opposites attract.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Yay, new thread! We rock :)
I know, I'm a little late, but whatever. Can I make up for my tardiness with a picture?


They're so hot, and they so obviously want eachother. How could Donahue possibly deny us our sex scene? It's just wrong. WRONG!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

I'm guessing Donahue realizes that once she lets them do it, they're not gonna stop for a very long time. But apparently what she doesn't realize is that she's the only one who'd have any type of problem with it at all. ;)

Anyway. I got bored today in Spanish class. So I have four more ficlet things over here, yay. Two of them are kinda sad, one's fluffish, and one's just completely silly, lol. :D 8 down, 92 to go!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Yay! Jessica, you're awesome! I love your drabbles, in fact, you're like, the queen of drables :D
So much E/C goodness! I'm going to bake you cookies.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

heartagram69 said:
woot woot and the award for worst shipper goes to me :(
*looks at award being given to Toto* Uhm... okay.. *runs off*

Happy PORNING everyone!! Good shipping! *throws confetti*
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

midnight_tiptoes said:
He's like a billion feet taller than her, and I bet she's wearing heels in that pic, too. Too cute.
thats why he always pics her up and she wraps her legs around him :devil: better access haha
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Haven't watched the eppy yet.... just made some caps.... yeah I'm weird....

Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Yeah, he seems to do that in every fanfic. Love it, though.

Hey, Jayne. You said porn. That means you get to write it.

That picture is hilarious. Eric looks like a monkey doing his mating ritual. I still don't know what happened during that scene. Somebody dish!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

he does look quite monkey like in that pic. its like something out of king kong where he sees the pretty lady and gets obsessed with her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De

Then he should haul her over his shoulder and climb up the side of a building... and into his bedroom.
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