For me it's rather hard to belive it really is the last season of Miami. I'm sure if it was true we'd know something about it already. I don't believe they would be able to keep such a big thing in secret.
Though I understand that they may think about such things. You know it's already 8 season, so some viewers may be tired and maybe leave the show, but there's still a lot of people which really love Miami. I guess we are the best example, discussing every little detail about Eric and Calleigh

. And look at csi lv, it's already 10 season and so many their main characters left, but they still have a large audience, so for now I'm not worried about it. I think it'd be a stupid if they ended the show after this season. I'd be truly disappointed.
I want to see happy Calleigh and Eric with cute baby before it all goes to an end. And I don't think one season would be enough to do it properly

In my opinion this show still has the potential to attract viewers for some time and I hope they will use it.
And I don't think they would mess with E/C in the very beginning if it was the last season, because knowing how they like to extand things I guess there wouldn't be enough time to end their story in a proper way. Especially considering Emily's words about the possibility of E/C having a baby.