A little late for the question, but anyway here it goes...
In your opinion, do you think that Eric will show his jealous side when it comes to the new guy or do you that Calleigh has calmed his fears about leaving him?
I don't think Eric will show his jealous
again, I mean, I think he had his lesson in
Target Specific, you know, he was suspicious about Cal and the horse trainer guy, he know he knows she loves him, and with all that thing of Seeing Red... No, I don't think Eric will show his jealous, but I do think if the new cop will 'atract' Cal in some way, I'm almost sure that Eric will talk to him and say something 'Keep dreaming pal...' and then a truly speach of a in love boyfriend :adore: :lol:
Something else I've been thinking about too (since I have nothing better to do) what do you think is the first thing Calleigh will do once she sees Eric (be it when she rescues him or when she sees him after he is rescued by Horatio)
First of all, I don't think H will rescue Eric without Cal, I mean, I'm almost sure she'll want to be informed about all news about where is Eric, so I do think she'll rescue Eric, but I'd love even more if Ryan, Nat, Frank would come too, I mean, c'mon, we need our team back. I have a picture in my mind that doesn't come out since the season finale, let's suppose Eric was kidnapped, he is in the ground, the bad guys are all killed/arrested, Cal runs to him, hugs him, and says something tipical of her, and the team is is right ahead of them watching with a smile in their faces

And the episode ends with all of them going home after a loooong day of work, and ofc will see E/C going together

Well, but that's just me, I'd love to be TPTB

I'M BACK!! boy, i haven't been on here in awhile.... i had no internet at the beach so don't blame me, blame my beach house for having no internet.
im thinking that eric is going to have a bullet in his shoulder because if you watch the scene in Seeing Red you can see that the break in the glass isn't straight in the center so (thank god) Calleigh must of missed and hit his shoulder. (this is my theory BTW)
i like the Eric coming back into the lab and Calleigh seeing him and then running up to him. then the whole lab would certainly know. (YAY)
and i still want calleigh to say something like this to him: "If you ever do that again, I swear to God I won't miss." someone put that line in my head and it won't come out!!!
i think in this episode there should DEFINITLEY be a kiss. WE HAVE NOT SEEN THEM KISS SINCE SINK OR SWIM!! it bugs me!!! we should see them kiss again.
how much longer? this summer is dragging on...... I WANT MY E/C!!! NOW!! i need my csi: miami. reruns are okay for now but in a few weeks.... im not going to be okay with reruns. I just want a little spoiler on what's going to happen. JUST a few pictures or something.... i need something....
sorry, i'm very desperate. my summer has been really boring.
Just one more question: why can't csi: miami be YEAR-ROUND? then i wouldn't be having with draw pains......
I agree with you, that's my opinion too

We saw that Cal shot in the car several times, so I do think she hit him, but not very badly
And, hell yeah, it's always a boring when we don't have new episodes :scream: :lol: